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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 8:01 pm 
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May 30, 2018, 7:00PM ET

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s lawyer has repeatedly counseled him not to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions despite the president’s ongoing anger at the attorney general’s decision to recuse himself from the Russia probe.

Rudy Giuliani told The Associated Press on Wednesday that Trump has asked him multiple times, before and after the former New York City mayor joined the president’s legal team last month, about whether Sessions should have been fired.

“I don’t think the president should do it and I’ve told him so,” said Giuliani.


PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2018 11:20 pm 
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Trump stumping for Gregg Jarrett :)


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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 2:48 am 
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Cult followers CAN NOT be "de-programmed" :doh

I think Trump is communicating phony hate tweets about Sessions. Trump is trying to manipulate the yellow stream media to defend Sessions against Trump and shortly thereafter Sessions drops the indictments.

Grandma Covfefe>thomaspain1961
That’s what I think, too….shhhhh!

You can't fix Imprinting (or stupid) :roll

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:15 pm 
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Sundance has CREATED a fantasy world....

A world of Black hats, white hats, multidimensional "chess moves"... new facts are manipulated to slot into that world.

Like many well known FICTIONAL worlds (in literature)... it makes for a "jolly good read", and a "fan base" of readers who "can't wait" to read the next chapter. All sorts of things are possible in a world you create yourself (ref Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Harry Potter). Things may well make "perfect sense" within the context of the created realm.... but.... it has only passing relevance to THE REAL WORLD. It may well be that in many instances a simple event in the real world may need to be described as a "3-D Chess move" to fit into the fantasy world.


Let me get this straight... in The Sundance world it is OK for DoJ/FBI (Wray, Rosenstein and Sessions) to REFUSE to provide documents to Congressional Oversight scrutiny... because... "reasons" :roll
Sounds CONTRARY TO THE CONSTITUTION to me. I am sure there is not a caveat that says Congress does not have the OBLIGATION to provide oversight if the DoJ/FBI can come up with a reason why not?
In this case the valid "reason" that Sundance proposes is....because requested documents are evidence in an ongoing investigation... not a completed investigation with Indictments and court proceedings in progress.. just "an investigation" with nobody indicted yet, nor even the crimes involved defined? In fact who knows if there really IS an investigation? It may even be that the "investigation" ends with no crime or criminal identified. It seems to me the most we have is a long winded OIG internal fact finding exercise.. with a "review" and a report and recommendations pending... one day.. maybe still months from now :roll
Even if we concede that there is a REAL CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.. Sundance's imagined ongoing Huber Criminal Investigation, with Grand Jury in place for months....with crimes and criminals KNOWN for sure... I don't see how that can be a legitimate "reason" to withhold documents requested by Congress Oversight. It is not actually a "request" ... it is NOT OPTIONAL. Congress have a right to see documents. Naturally, there are considerations in regards security clearance of those who gain access.... but that is covered by the issuing of such security clearance to the appropriate Congress persons. The fact that people like Schiff CAN NOT BE TRUSTED... is NOT reason to withhold information from Congress generally.... it should be reason to revoke Schiff's security clearance.... and to have him removed from Committees with access to Classified documents (and thrown in prison)... that is an issue for Congress (Paul Ryan).... but NOT a reason to withhold the documents from CONGRESS as a body.

The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake....

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:19 pm 
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And still there is belief in Huber (and Sleepy Jeff)....

Do ya really think these two are the answer?

Sleepy Jeff who regards his "recusal" as all-inclusive and stands by it absolutely in public statements and even in sworn testimony before Congress... ya really think that in secret he is breaking his recusal and supervising CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into matters he has stated he is recused from? :roll
Huber a prosecutor in Utah...investigating the Swamp players in Washington? What? A Grand Jury in Utah....dragging witnesses from Washington before them to testify? :roll


:lol ................ :lol ................ :lol

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PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 5:20 pm 
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The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake....

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:01 am 
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A maverick in the CTH fantasy realm

Is Huber now in the DC US Attny. Office or haz we been schmoozed agin’?

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz accused McCabe in April of misleading investigators and Comey four times – three of them under oath – about authorizing a disclosure to the media. Horowitz referred the findings to the District’s U.S. Attorney’s Office to determine whether criminal charges were warranted. ... 958760.php

The point being.....
It seems that the criminal referral by Horowitz, and subsequent criminal investigation of McCabe does NOT involve Hubber.. even now, let alone since WAY BACK... Huber working "Parallel criminal investigations with OIG"... in secret... run by Sessions...(breaking his Recusal in secret) :roll
THAT is total BS.. part of the Sundance Fantasy world

Note from the link...
A referral from the inspector general does not guarantee charges will be filed. :roll

I repeat...
What Sleepy Jeff said (in a letter) was that he had a guy in Utah n(Huber) who would REVIEW the OIG report and make recommendations...eventually..... that is ALL!! No mention of Criminal Investigations already kicking off, with Grand Juries akimbo etc :roll
It is not even clear if Huber would report to Sleepy Jeff directly, but rather might report to Rod Rosenstein

The evidence is real. the indictments are Fake....

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:26 am 
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And the EVIDENCE of Big Ugly work by Sleepy Jeff is....

His letter to Congress... :roll

Link to Sessions letter to Congress (pdf 4 pages) ... views.html


Anybody with a modicum of proficiency in ENGLISH COMPREHENSION might see that Jeff describes Huber's mandate as "a Review" which will (eventually, maybe months from now) come up with RECOMMENDATIONS. Who knows if any of those "recommendations" will be acted upon?


And the passage that Jeff himself quotes (by Assistant AG Boyd) states that:
".. prosecutors report to AG or Deputy AG, as appropriate"
And Jeff has already shown that he errs on the side of considering himself RECUSED from all matters not necessarily directly involving Russia or the Trump campaign. Who knows how much of this "review" is by-passing Recused Jeff and going to Rosenstein? :cool


The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:16 pm 
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WAITING... for the Big Ugly....

It is after 4 PM so I am guessing no IG report today?

Looks like those Treepers calling for the report to come out next week were correct! Looks like a rather quiet weekend ahead. Sigh!

Waiting forever seems to be our fate in life! Guess I will just have to cut the grass!

CTH Cult Fan-poster...


The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:00 pm 
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:lol ....... :lol ........ :lol

Conspiracy THREADS on Twitter.....

Are NOT a reliable source... even those you make up yourself :roll


The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

APPARENTLY.. Twitter has shut down this idiot... Twitter just went UP in my estimation :cool
Looks like Twitter has already shut down his new account.
Bummer. is toast!! :lol

And the CTH idiots are upset that this obvious FakeNews made up CRAP has been taken down??? :doh

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 6:54 pm 
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I told you so... but "Q" should have been obvious CRAP to anybody not Brainwashed

Read this. It was a “small group” of larpers.

It never made sense. The notion that President Trump, an aide, or a high-placed intel person inside his circle would choose the chan board — out of 10s of thousands of alternatives — to launch an public educational process using word association games is farfetched.

Travesty Of Trust – QAnon Revealed – The PsyOp Of Patriots.
May 23, 2018
by Ruby Henley

The Alternative News Media community is deeply divided at this time, and I find it extremely sad that this division has occurred due to a PsyOp from within. Most of you are familiar with the QAnon movement consisting of true Patriots, who have been led by QAnon the Pied Piper.

The YouTube community became totally fixated on the false prophet, QAnon. I cannot begin to count the number of YouTubers, who reported on each “drop” of information the fake entity revealed.

He/she/them made endless errors, such as Hillary Clinton had been arrested and was wearing an ankle monitor, and it became gospel which should not be questioned.

If one did question the gospel of Q, one was immediately attacked – this I know for a fact. It was plainly not acceptable to question Q. Follow the “plan,” do not question or doubt, and have “faith.”

Errors could always be explained, if you asked the QAnon believers. There was always a reason if Q ended up being wrong, and the reason was never Q’s fault. Just do not question the “plan.”

Mainstream media has now gotten involved by reporting on the revelation that Q is fake.

This is a very embarrassing time for Alternative Media, as now that Q is getting public traction, it is becoming all the more apparent that Q followers thought they were fighting the Deep State. If it were not so sad, it would be hilarious.

I, myself, am angry at those who were on the inside from day one, who knew it was not completely what it was portrayed to be – YET the supposed “truthers” moved ahead with the excuse it was a good thing.

...more at link ... -patriots/

Meanwhile in CTH fantasy land.... the still believe in Q (and The Big Ugly)


Some even think Q is Sundance :slap

Mind you... the same people think Jeff Sessions is doing a great job!! So they are just idiots! :roll

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 7:23 pm 
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LMAO! :Gslap People who think they will never be revealed are such idiots. Seems it's all about the money.

The video in this article is kinda cool/informative.
Especially the part in how they (Q) were able to post topics/words about Trump's tweets, before his tweets were posted on Twitter. Who knew?

Trust no one. ;)

PostPosted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 9:40 pm 
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In the Fantasy world.....

The "Big Ugly" is coming....
buckle up
heads up
giddy up.....

Fuckin' Made up! :slap

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 1:55 am 
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Lest we forget... daft Dave (Sundance's mate) on Twitter :roll

Image ... 7589793792



And no explanation/apology... It was WRONG before daft Dave posted the date... informed people knew that and said so... but the cult fan-posters were IMPRINTED with "15 January" when the date was announced to actually be "March/April" (maybe)

And now... where is the current COUNTDOWN TO OIG REPORT calendar? Ummm... it's JUNE, already! :doh

Sundance: "Within two weeks the draft IG report will be made public" (before 4th June) :roll

I dont think "The public" will even get to see it as soon as people think.
It is just a REPORT
It is JUST a review of how FBI/DoJ staff handled the Clinton email "Matter"
It is NOT a "re-investigation" of the actual underlying Clinton Gang crimes.
Huber is going to "review it" and make RECOMMENDATIONS to Sleepy Jeff.... eventually
Sleepy Jeff has been useless so far. I don't see him rushing to indict ANYBODY.

It is more likely to be a "Huge disappointment" rather than a "Big Ugly" :roll

It COULD be a wake up call for cult fan posters.... but even THAT is unlikely.

The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 3:23 am 
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Start saving, Rumpole. Your chance to have dinner with Lauren and Stephan! :)

Nigel Farage to tour NZ
By Cameron Slater | WhaleOil | June 2, 2018

Nigel Farage, former leader of the pro-Brexit political party UKIP, is coming to New Zealand.

He will be speaking at Auckland’s SkyCity on September 4. In a release on Friday morning, promoter Markson Sparks called Mr Farage “the most important British politician of the last decade” and the “world’s most charismatic politician.
A controversial Canadian speaker banned from the UK after distributing “racist material” is bound for New Zealand.

Lauren Southern, described as a “far-right political activist, internet personality, and journalist associated with the alt-right” is advertising shows in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide before jumping on a plane to New Zealand for one show in Auckland.

Southern, who was banned from entering the UK this year after distributing “racist material”, will be touring in July with countryman Stefan Molyneux, a podcaster and YouTube personality and self-published author.

More at link: ... o-tour-nz/

PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 4:52 am 
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I'll save my money.... Look forward to Tommy's World tour.

Nigel Farage is a TOSSER

Lauren and Stefan are OK(ish)... in small doses... sometimes.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:43 pm 
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You can't make this stuff up...

Fan posters still convinced that the OIG report will be THE Big Ugly... that it will be released to the public and that Huber will follow up immediately with Indictments :roll

Even after repeated delays in it's release ... they are still on the hook, and... wait for it.... predicting it will be released (to the public)....

... on May 6th.. because that is The anniversary of D-Day (The WW2 Normandy landings) :slap

My money is on D-Day, 6th of June. EPIC!

I think you are right. I had forgotten that was D-Day. President Trump is a history buff so that matters to him more than most.

Here is a clue for you all... this GOSSIP.. as opposed to political discussion :roll

The evidence is real, the indictments are Fake...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:48 pm 
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And still there is belief in Huber (and Sleepy Jeff)....

Do ya really think these two are the answer?

Sleepy Jeff who regards his "recusal" as all-inclusive and stands by it absolutely in public statements and even in sworn testimony before Congress... ya really think that in secret he is breaking his recusal and supervising CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into matters he has stated he is recused from? :roll
Huber a prosecutor in Utah...investigating the Swamp players in Washington? What? A Grand Jury in Utah....dragging witnesses from Washington before them to testify? :roll


:lol ................ :lol ................ :lol

The Evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:14 am 
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Imperator Rex is STILL being quoted as REAL INFO?

His twitter account is back up... maybe he takes it down for periods.. just to take a break from being an idiot? :roll

1. HEADS UP. BOMBSHELL TIME. IMO, Horowitz FBI/DOJ investigation has already issued 30+ indictments & at least 150+ criminal referrals, to the DOJ.

23. AG Sessions is behind the entire takedown.

He set it up. ... 7656519680

Sessions is apparently the MASTERMIND behind taking all the bad actors down.. :slap


The evidence is real, the Indictments are fake...

To be fair... Sundance replied "This is nonsense"...
to 2 of "Cat Lady" posts linking to Imperator Rex twitter threads.

I wonder if he grasps the more general point about baseless speculation (compounded, devolving into Conspiracy theories/Fantasy realms) ..... being "nonsense" :roll

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:16 am 
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Conspiracy THREADS on Twitter.....

Are NOT a reliable source... even those you make up yourself :roll


The evidence is real, the Indictments are Fake...

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