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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:31 pm 
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:32 pm 
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Jeff "Banjo" Sessions


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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:12 pm 
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The "Big Ugly"- Another One?

This "Big Ugly" thing is hard to pin down.

It was a vague term used to sound "in the know" about an alleged pending huge event involving Trump and presumably a "3D Chess move" beyond the comprehension of most mere mortals....known only by some Guru Pontificator/ Prognosticator.

It has been applied to so many DIFFERENT scenarios, it's hard to recall all.

Personnel shake ups at the WH.Trump getting "tough on NAFTA". Trump getting "Tough on China". North Korea! Various developments in the Middle East etc etc etc .. the list goes on, and all have been said to be a sign... an omen... marking the start of "The Big Ugly" as foretold by the Seer. The latest being the fruits of an assault on the "Deep State" that has been underway in secret, (appearances of sleeping AG's notwithstanding).. as indicated by Trump's Tweets calling on Government agencies to act.
THE BIG UGLY is apparently now a Purge of the Deep State. Exposure of all the corruption and Obama era hang-overs. And...... it's gonna happen SOON... as foretold by "those who are wiser" :roll

Thing is....

All the previous pending "Big Uglies" never happened. :)

There were development in the areas of news referenced, but never a spectacular and obvious BIG UGLY.

The latest......Trump tweeting frustration at HIS own administration and it's agencies is hardly a show of strength. IF he can see a need for action by DOJ, FBI etc.. then he SHOULD be issuing commands as a Commander in Chief does... and not tweeting a "wish" that government agencies would act.

So Big Ugly is nigh :roll

It's Foretold. The Mob are awoke.

Tillerson leaving State Dept (being pushed out) will likely be "slipped in" to "Big Ugly" talk... see how that works? :roll

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:49 pm 
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Don't Forget....

According to the Sessionsettes... good ole Jeff has been on to Crooked Hillary and all the "Deep State" corruption from day 1.
SECRET investigations, Grand Juries etc for the past 11 months

He has been "beavering away" (in secret) investigating Crooked Hillary, and Uranium 1, and The Clinton Foundation "pay to play" with Russia.. and a host of other Countries. Hillary's email crimes being much more serious than alleged. Comey and FBI and Lynch and DOJ covering up Hillary's crimes, and pre-determining no indictment of Hillary. DEEP Obama Admin corruption. Obama, Hillary, DNC all COLLUDING WITH RUSSIA to CREATE a fake dossier on Trump. Using that fake dossier to obtain FISA warrants and UNMASK US citizens/Political opponents, then LEAKING that information intentionally to gain political advantage. Obama/Hillary collusion with Russia. Conflict of interest and involvement from top names like Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe and a host of other less well known names. Corruption by heads of various heads of government intelligence agencies.. Clapper and the like.

So when "the dam breaks" and we see the FRUITS of all the Secret stuff Sessions has been working on... well Mueller's piddling little indictments of Flynn (for fibbing), Manafort/Gates (for failure to disclose payments from years ago), Papadopoulus (again fibbing to FBI) are all going to pale into insignificance... Right? :roll


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:24 pm 
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That is all.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 5:54 pm 
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In case the simple point is missed.

WHATEVER Flynn (or anybody else) did in December was AFTER the election. So obviously it has NOTHING to do with “Muh Russians” “meddling with the election. The election was over.
The ONLY sign of Russia “Meddling” in the election is the Fake Dossier. And there is EVIDENCE that they colluded with Hillary, DNC and Comey FBI.

Me thinks that Mueller is looking in all the wrong places.

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:10 pm 
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Thinking about Sessions fans/ apologists...

I have decided to GIVE UP trying to get through to such people.

I realize that "discussion" is meaningless because their position is outside the basic principles of logic and reality. I am trying to explain things that require no explanation. Things that are simply part of the framework of reality. Stuff even my 3-legged cat utilizes as part of his interaction with "REALITY"

The "Liberal/progressive" education system of the past 30 - 40 years has a LOT to answer for!!

Many people nowadays are lost in a mental "Twilight Zone"

Not only have people been denied exposure, or given very selective exposure, to History and other information, but they have been "brain washed" to the extent that they really do lack an understanding of the basic principle of how to think. How to assess facts known, and formulate reasonable hypotheses (open to be perhaps proven wrong, but the best hypothesis based on actual evidence available). How to distinguish between facts/evidence and baseless speculation. They see no difference between a reasonable working hypothesis and a fantasy driven by what they want to be true.

This applies to things generally but I am, of course, referencing the specific discussions I have had in regard Jeff Sessions.
It is apparent that Sessions is NOT investigating "All things Hillary". The mere fact that nothing is apparent after 11 months is one BIG clue, and there are statements (from people who would know) that no such investigations are happening. Sessions himself, his bumbling answers to Congress, said he does not know if his recusal would prevent him from taking part in any such investigation (in the future), which is CLEAR evidence that such investigations are not happening already. Then we have Trumps tweets.. lamenting that such investigations should start.. Trump thinks they are NOT underway already.. he should know. There are no "leaks" of people running such investigations (it would involve a HUGE team),. There are no "leaks" of people (involved with Clinton Crimes) being hauled in, interrogated, subpoenaed etc
However Sessions fans STILL say... "You don't know... Sessions could have been investigating (IN SECRET) from day 1.. Grand Juries underway already"
THAT is just nuts... speculation based on nothing. That is NOT how logical people assess reality.

Jeff Sessions FAILED big time when he recused himself. It MIGHT have made a little more sense if he had been "stepping aside" for the sake of high personal ethical standards, in a situation where his replacement (Deputy Rosentsein) was above all suspicion and equally ethical, and if the rest of the top staff at DOJ and FBI were also "men of honor".. with "clean hands" themselves..... BUT THEY WERE NOT!! Sessions abandoned Trump to a pack of corrupt "never Trump" Deep State wolves when he (Sessions) was likely the ONLY (small) protection that Trump had against the savage Deep State hordes. As a result we have a DOJ and FBI NOT working in Trumps interest and against his corrupt political enemies, and a Special Counsel witch hunt hell bent on GETTING TRUMP.

I give up trying to explain all this to Idiots. You can't fix stupid..

I KNEW that :doh

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PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 4:59 pm 
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BTW A Note on Unacceptable Forum posting/ Administration

Or why some sites have gone to the dogs.....


Given my opinion of Jeff Sessions, I might well post
Rumpole says
Jeff Sessions is a useless dork!

People are free to disagree, and I would have no problem with a reply like...
SessionsInfatuated says
No. Jeff Sessions is NOT a dork

However, that is not what happens. A typical reply is...
SessionsInfatuated says
No. You are a dork, Rumpole... and a TROLL!!
I am fed up with you even mentioning Sessions.
I want you to not post here and go post at some other (liberal)Site

Big difference. A personal attack on a fellow poster is a BANNING offense. :)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:48 pm 
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I must have missed the exchange that happened about Sessions.
I completely agree with you Rumpole.
I was a big Sessions fan. Heck I was even disappointed he wasn't chosen as VP.
I thought they were unfairly hard on him during confirmation process. I now think even that was just a
dog and pony show. I think them appearing to "squeeze" a recusal from him was just a big show to get
exactly that.
Once the recusal was on the table, there was no trouble voting him through.
If Sessions is anything but dirty, I will gladly apologize.
The SESSIONISTAS at the other sight are insufferable.

But you have unknown cheerleaders at the other site. I have friends that read on the other site and they like that you ruffle the Sessionistas feathers. ;)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:54 pm 
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THX Showpoodles

It not just one "Sessions exchange"... it's every time I post a reply to somebody about Sessions... the attack bees swarm in to attack me personally.. not just my opinion of Sessions.

I wonder if the Deep State have BOTS and Trolls who are out to shut down exposing the Truth about Sessions?
(Half tongue in cheek) :)

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:10 pm 
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Apparently a report by The Office of Inspector General is about to be released

OIG statement is saying is that for 11 months the Dept of Justice OIG office has been investigating the politicization within the DOJ and FBI and deciding if the actions, or lack of action, was driven by the political ideology of the participants therein.


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PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:30 pm 
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Allegations, allegations, allegations.

This is all nice to know, but ...

YAWN. :roll

I have huge grinders of salt and pepper to go with the crow, but doubt I'll need it.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:47 pm 
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Sessions is NOT the OIG... it is independent.. obviously, since it is investigating Sessions' Dept (DOJ) and the DOJ supervised FBI

Even if DOJ was directly involved ... Sessions would have recused... legitimately in this case. :roll

The investigation is into Political interference by OBAMA admin.

It is NOT an investigation into Hillary's crimes as such

And... Sessions did still abandon Trump to the mercy of the Deep State when he recused, and Sessions STILL has not started investigations into all things Hillary.

NOTHING has changed in regards my stated opinion of Sessions.... he still looks to be "asleep" in regards the Clinton Crime family.

DO NOT harm any crows, Molly.....Release the crow back into the wild!!

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 1:52 am 
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All of the good ol boys in this area are nicknamed "Bubba" or "Booger". (truth) I have them all on
standby for a fresh hunt of crows. I am suspecting I will not need them, but nonetheless praying that I will.

Oh and the hive mind is a real thing, as witnessed by reading the posts by the Sessionistas.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:16 am 
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Now that's funny. :84
We have some "Bubbas" too.

I don't know what to think at this point. I thought I'd never say this, but I wish President Trump would take a break from tweeting. If he is sending "mixed messages" by these tweets, this is not the transparency that I think is needed. BUT, I'll just wait and see ... wait for the so-called "Big Ugly", whatever that is. ;)

PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 2:22 am 
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There are lots of "Big Uglies" Molly.... always announced as about to happen soon (next day)

NONE have come to pass... yet :roll

If you keep announcing things as an Omen that Big Ugly is nigh... eventually SOMETHING will happen next day. You can call it Big and call it Ugly :cool

Big Ugly - Big Nothing

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:23 pm 
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Making School Lunches Great Again


From what I have seen of liberal spin "news" items about school lunch regime under Michelle Obama... it was CRAP!!

Liberals LOVE to tell people what is good for them. They assume that THEY know what's best for people... better than they know themselves.

An AWFUL lot of crap is spouted about food, nutrition... "healthy" vegetables as opposed to "Bad" meat products.

It is all CRAP!!

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:50 pm 
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That tweet makes me smile! President Trump's worst vice is Diet Coke. Even calls it "junk" but we all have our favorite junk. Life is short. ;)

I didn't know chocolate milk was removed from school lunches. I hope the kids still get the little pats of butter on a square of wax paper. We used to eat them whole, and if you could trade something on your tray for someone else's butter pat, that was a good lunch. :)

This is one of Michelle's school lunches. The frozen fish tray that a parent took a picture of is my favorite. What a joke.


PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:52 pm 
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Trump moving US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.... apparently :roll

Bibi is Chuffed!!

GLAD to see Trump is NOT pandering to liberals.

Long since overdue to STOP trying to appease the Palestinian Grievance/terrorist crowd.
They are just a RABBLE living off International welfare.... they could not govern a Christmas Club, let alone a separate "Palestinian Nation"

HAMAS... get over it! :)


If you change the words to "Have a Tequila"... it makes a great drinking song :cool

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 7:11 pm 
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World "Leaders" (Even the Pope) have condemned Trump for recognizing Jerusalem :wall

And yet.... US Congress and Senate have OVERWHELMINGLY voted to recognize Jerusalem :doh

Clinton, Bush and Obama are ALL on tape PROMISING to do the same.

WTF are they all on about????

I bet you... a million Dollars to a burn match.... that several other nations will move their embassies to Jerusalem within next 5 years. :cool

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