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Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1
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Author:  SheStone [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

I don't see that anyone here has mentioned it yet. Did you see the articles about Darren Wilson having gotten married?

Author:  jayjerome [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

CNN reporting the decision won't be announced until later today. Probably to allow police to gear up. And so commuters can get home safely.

CNN and other media continue to distort the story, showing photos of Michael Brown looking like an innocent non threatening young person, and not the scowling individual shown in the store video when he shoved the clerk into the display case then menaced him. That's who confronted Wilson, but they refuse to show that Michael Brown to the public now. Or even mention the robbery-assault - distortion by omission.

Author:  jayjerome [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

SheStone, I saw the notice of the marriage earlier today. The wife is a cop on the Ferguson force.

Author:  SheStone [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

jayjerome wrote:
SheStone, I saw the notice of the marriage earlier today. The wife is a cop on the Ferguson force.

Yes I read that. I hope they have made the right decision. People don't always make the best decisions during such times of great stress. Of course maybe they were already planning to get married before this all happened.

Anyway if things are as they seem to be regarding this case (that Darren Wilson was justified in the shooting), I hope that things work out for the best for them.

Author:  jayjerome [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

I read the article about the marriage at the NY Times, on line. In it the Times gave the name of the street where Wilson and his now-wife recently purchased a home. I thought that irresponsible -- though the newspaper didn't provide an exact address, with the street name it wouldn't be difficult for someone with nefarious motives to track the address. Now the Wilsons will surely have to sell the house. They're already living elsewhere, and when the dust settles, they'll probably move as far away from Ferguson as they can.

Author:  SheStone [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

jayjerome wrote:
I read the article about the marriage at the NY Times, on line. In it the Times gave the name of the street where Wilson and his now-wife recently purchased a home. I thought that irresponsible -- though the newspaper didn't provide an exact address, with the street name it wouldn't be difficult for someone with nefarious motives to track the address. Now the Wilsons will surely have to sell the house. They're already living elsewhere, and when the dust settles, they'll probably move as far away from Ferguson as they can.

The article I read didn't have that information in it. That is irresponsible. I agree they will most likely have to move for their safety when it is all over.

Author:  Carmelita [ Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

SheStone wrote:
I don't see that anyone here has mentioned it yet. Did you see the articles about Darren Wilson having gotten married?

Yep he was married November 14th to another officer.

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

From CTH......

Forensic and Physical Evidence PROVES Dorian Johnson Participated In The Attack of Officer Wilson…
Posted on November 25, 2014 by sundance

Before getting to the Dorian Johnson aspect I just want to highlight something Prosecutor McCulloch stated in his press conference: The Grand Jury watched all the media interviews of witnesses prior to hearing their ‘in person’ grand jury testimony.

In my opinion this simple fact is what was so devastating to Dorian Johnson, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell. They simply lied to the media. This is also why the media is standing jaw agape trying to reconcile the Grand Jury outcome.

One of the more interesting elements noted by the physical evidence, and DNA testing, relates to confirming the Dorian Johnson bracelet we first identified back in August.

...more at link
http://theconservativetreehouse.com/201 ... er-wilson/

When Dorian was aiding Mike Brown robbing the Liquor Mart, we noted the CCTV showed him with a yellow or gold bracelet on his right wrist.

Author:  boyntonstu [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

You raise a 300 pound bully son who assaults a store clerk as he and his buddy steal cigars. When stopped by the police officer, he grabs the officer's gun and struggles to shoot his way to escape. He runs away and instead of stopping, he bull rushes the officer who shoots him in self defense. IMO The Brown family owes Ferguson, MO an apology for their inept child rearing.

Some Blacks say that White people should be afraid of them for what happened.

Arson and looting is not a useful method of improving race relations.

Until reality and truth are respected, there can not be any progress.

"Hands up, don't shoot" is a mockery of the facts.

Imagine what would have happened if the looted stores were owned and defended by Koreans bearing shotguns.

Author:  Rumpole [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

I agree boyntonstu.

I will add, there were indications from the outset as to what the facts of this case were.

It was prudent to investigate thoroughly before rushing to judgement. Those who rioted and "protested" did in fact comprise a "Lynch Mob" that did literally march and demand that Officer Wilson was guilty and should be executed. Some witnesses were LYING quite clearly and so any investigation needed to be confidential and comprehensive in order to establish what testimony could be relied on.
Such an investigation takes time. The morons who rushed to judgement should have at least waited to see what the facts were. There was even a sop to their distrust of "the system" with a separate FBI investigation as well as a Grand Jury to evaluate the facts and evidence. IMO that GJ was essential, given the distrust apparent. A review by a sample of citizens should have been regarded as transparent and above board.
What we saw was 4 months of "Helter Skelter" a mindless racial uprising not interested in facts, evidence and proof. A mob hell bent on anarchy and "Mob Justice" Epitomized by the simplistic chants which already showed a lack of comprehension of the facts of the case. Of course it was never really about MB or DW. The shooting of MB was just a trigger to initiate a general uprising against authority, but poorly educated dis-satisfied losers. Imprinted with an unrealistic sense of entitlement.

Author:  jayjerome [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Re: ConservativeTreeHouse link.

Their assertions that Dorian Johnson physically participated in the assault of Officer Wilson is weak, based as it is on a single witness whose statement that he saw saw Johnson grab or wrestle with Wilson's leg is contradicted by Officer Wilson's own testimony to the police investigator who interviewed him after the shooting,

Wilson describing the initial confrontation after backing up the police car:

“… I back up ten feet. I go to open my door, say “Hey, come here.” He said, “What the fuck are you gonna do?” And he shut my door on me…. The door was only open maybe a foot. I didn’t have a chance to get my leg out.”

Also the witness statement (a notebook diary) shown at ConservativeTreeHouse omitted the the page preceding the shooting that he was taking a random drive to Ferguson to “understand the Black race better so I stop calling Blacks Nigger and Start calling them People. Like dad always said you cant fear or hate an entire race cause of what one man did 40 yrs ago."

The treehouse editors should have pause to wonder at that how reliable witness #40 was, and to avoid being accused of the same kind of irresponsible distortions of events as the PC-Left media, they should have noted Wilson's testimony, as they've published links to it previously.

Here's the link to the grand jury evidence that is being released to the public:


Author:  Palm305 [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Read All of Ferguson Police Officer Wilson's Grand Jury Testimony



Author:  boyntonstu [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2014/11/25/ ... rown-died/

Author:  jayjerome [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Today's Best Quote -- from Dr. Baden's grand jury testimony:

"... the news media, if you haven’t figured out, like to create problems." :91

Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

WATCH: Hannity Takes on Brown Family Attorney

As seen on Hannity

Sean Hannity took on Brown family attorney Daryl Parks tonight over evidence presented to a grand jury in the Ferguson case.

Hannity said that the legal question in this case is whether or not Darren Wilson used justifiable force. He said witness after witness said that Michael Brown was in a struggle for Wilson’s gun and had charged at the officer.

“By definition legally, that is justifiable use of force,” Hannity said.

Hannity laid out testimony and challenged Parks, asking “Who acts like that toward a police officer?”

“Somebody struggles for a cop’s gun after a robbery and then charges a police officer like a football player with his head down, and […] you act as though you’re surprised that the officer had to defend himself. I’m not surprised, and I’m not surprised at the decision of the grand jury, either,” Hannity said.

Parks agreed that no one should behave in that matter, but he said circumstances did not require the officer to take Brown’s life.

...more at link

http://insider.foxnews.com/2014/11/25/w ... aryl-parks

Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Hannity Demolishes Brown Family Attorney 11/25/14

Author:  Puzzler [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

BREAKING: Cops: #MichaelBrown Stepfather Inciting #Ferguson Race Riot is Blood Gangbanger

http://gotnews.com/breaking-cops-michae ... angbanger/

Author:  Puzzler [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

'Burn this b**** down': The emotional reaction of Michael Brown's family who had repeatedly called for calm but ultimately could not hide their anger

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... anger.html

Author:  Puzzler [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Michael Brown's Stepfather Urged Protesters To "Burn This Bitch Down" After Grand Jury Announcement

(snip) Along with McSpadden, Head is at the center of an ongoing Feguson Police Department investigation of an incident last month during which three vendors selling commemorative Michael Brown merchandise were assaulted. One of the victims, Michael Brown, Sr.'s mother-in-law, identified McSpadden and Head as among the “attackers” who ransacked her stands and stole $400 in cash and merchandise valued at $1500.

According to USA Today, McSpadden and Head were married earlier this year, before Brown's killing.

http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/fer ... own-879056

Author:  Puzzler [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Michael Brown Shooting Death - Discussion #1

Ferguson riots claim first casualty as 20-year-old found 'shot' dead in his car and relative says 'somebody killed him' during the carnage

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... rnage.html

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