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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:27 pm 
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‘Wow, that is awesome': Murderer goes out with sarcastic last words as lethal injection takes effect

By Associated Press and Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 02:17 GMT, 26 April 2013 | UPDATED: 15:19 GMT, 26 April 2013


A Texas inmate was executed Thursday evening for fatally shooting a convenience store robbery-turned-abduction nearly 11 years ago.

Richard Cobb, 29, didn't deny using a 20-gauge shotgun to kill Kenneth Vandever in an East Texas field where two women also were shot and one was raped. He was convicted of capital murder.

'Life is death, death is life. I hope that someday this absurdity that humanity has come to will come to an end,' Cobb said when asked if he had any last words.

'Life is too short. I hope anyone that has negative energy towards me will resolve that.

'Life is too short to harbor feelings of hatred and anger. That's it, warden.'

But that wasn't it.

Just before the lethal drug took effect and at the conclusion of his statement, Cobb twisted his head back, raised it off a pillow placed on the gurney and then toward the warden standing behind him.

'Wow!' the inmate exclaimed in a loud voice. 'That is great. That is awesome! Thank you, warden! Thank you (expletive) warden!'

His head fell back on the pillow, and his neck twisted at an odd angle, with his mouth and eyes open.

....more at link ... words.html

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:54 pm 
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Best high of his life quickest to.

"I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my grandfather, not screaming in terror like his passengers."

"If a man talks in a forest, and there is no woman there to hear him.

Is he still wrong?"

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:14 pm 
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The Ohio execution of baby rapist/murderer Steven Smith is going to proceed as scheduled on May 1st.
Mercy rejected for Ohio man who killed 6-month-old

The Ohio Parole Board on Wednesday rejected a plea for mercy by a condemned Ohio man who says he intended to rape his girlfriend's 6-month-old daughter but not to kill her.
The board recommended unanimously that Gov. John Kasich allow the execution of Steven Smith to proceed next month.
The board said some arguments for sparing Smith, such as his turbulent childhood, were far outweighed by the nature of the crime.
"Smith took the life of an innocent 6-month-old infant while using the baby to sexually gratify himself," the board said. "It is hard to fathom a crime more repulsive or reprehensible in character. It is clearly among the worst of the worst."

Governor: No mercy for Ohio man who killed baby

Gov. John Kasich on Wednesday rejected a plea for mercy by a condemned man who says he intended to rape his girlfriend’s 6-month-old daughter but didn't mean to kill her.
The decision by Kasich, a Republican, upheld a unanimous recommendation by the Ohio Parole Board on April 10 to deny clemency for Steven Smith, calling his crime “among the worst of the worst.”
Kasich did not explain his decision as is his custom, except to note the parole board’s previous decision.

This is an overdue execution that I'm going to thoroughly enjoy celebrating as the world bids good riddance to another murderous POS, I only wish that the worthless mass of humanity had killed himself rather than a 6 month old baby.

See the article:

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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:09 pm 
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Tuesday May 7th should be a double header execution. The self proclaimed hitman Carroll Parr will be up at bat at approximately 6:15pm cst

Exection nearing for Waco’s ‘Outlaw’

With his execution date drawing near, Carroll Joe Parr told McLennan County officials he was a “hit man” who has killed 16 people and offered to lead them to at least two of his victims in exchange for the dismissal of his nephew’s robbery case.

While Parr confessed to being a notorious killer, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on Friday rejected his latest appeal in which he claims actual innocence, moving him a step closer to the execution chamber.

Parr, 35, is scheduled to be executed Tuesday in the 2003 robbery and murder of 18-year-old Joel Dominguez during a drug deal on North 25th Street in Waco. Dominguez’s friend, Mario Chavez, was critically wounded in the incident.

Parr was known as “Outlaw” during his drug-dealing days in Waco. He was last in Waco in February, when 54th State District Judge Matt Johnson set his execution date.

As he was being led from court, Parr’s family members cried and shouted they loved him.

“What are y’all crying for? Don’t cry,” Parr called back. “Stop fearing death. Death is a prize.”

After that court appearance, Parr told his trial attorney, Russ Hunt Sr., that he would lead Waco police to where bodies are buried if they could help his nephew, Christopher Dontae Parr, a fomer La Vega High school football standout, with a robbery case.

First Assistant District Attorney Michael Jarrett and DA’s office investigators Mike McNamara and David Parkinson went to Livingston about two months ago to visit Parr on death row at his invitation. Jarrett said he made the trip to ensure he didn’t pass up a chance to bring closure to families in Waco with possible missing loved ones.

But the more Parr talked in vague generalities, the more Jarrett and his experienced investigators doubted his sincerity. Nothing that Parr told them checked out, Jarrett said, adding he ran the information by Sgt. J.R. Price, head of the Waco Police Department’s special crimes unit, and they could not verify any of it.

Jarrett did dismiss a robbery case last week against Chris Parr, Parr’s nephew. However, he said he made that decision long before he visited Carroll Joe Parr on death row because the case was weak.

Jarrett said he may have allowed Parr to believe he would dismiss his nephew’s case in exchange for his information. However, in truth, Parr’s information was deemed worthless and the decision to dismiss Chris Parr’s case had already been made, Jarrett said.

“I let him believe what he wanted to believe,” Jarrett said.

The state has filed a motion to adjudicate Chris Parr’s deferred probation in his burglary of a habitation case for various other violations, Jarrett said. That motion could lead to a prison term and likely will, Jarrett said.

Chris Parr’s attorney, Josh Tetens, confirmed that the case against his client was extremely thin, adding Jarrett did the right thing by dismissing it.

“My investigator, Jason Attas, did a great job and we gave Jarrett 20-plus pages of written statements from witnesses who were at the scene that night,” Tetens said. “He really dug deep on this one. Every statement said the victim was a total and complete liar and he did not have any cash with him and Chris didn’t take anything.” Jarrett said he looked into Carroll Joe Parr’s eyes during his death row interview and saw what he described as “pure evil.”

“He is a sociopath and he just was telling us these stories because he wanted to get out of jail,” Jarrett said. “He thought we were going to take him off death row so he could lead us to these bodies. But we were not able to verify anything he said. He was trying to manipulate us and he is getting exactly what he deserves, I don’t mind telling you.”

Parr told the group that he is a hit man with 16 kills. He said most of his alleged victims were drug dealers or those he was paid to kill.

“He said, just as we all go to work every day, he’s a killer. He said that is what he does,” Jarrett said.

Parr gave two locations in Waco for alleged murders he committed, but he provided no names of victims and only sketchy details that did not check out, Jarrett said.

Parr’s next hope for a stay will be to file an appeal with the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans. The U.S. Supreme Court would be his last stop.

The U.S. Supreme Court, without comment, declined to consider Parr ’s previous appeal Jan. 7, paving the way for Parr’s execution date to be set.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Parr’s prior appeal before them last May.

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PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 10:20 pm 
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Mississippi is scheduled to execute Willie Manning on Tuesday May 7th @ 6pm.

Attorneys for Manning asked the court Tuesday to stop the execution. They also said they will file a clemency petition with Gov. Phil Bryant.

Manning was handed two death sentences for the slayings of Mississippi State University students Jon Steckler and Tiffany Miller, whose bodies were discovered in rural Oktibbeha County on Dec. 11, 1992. Each was shot to death, and Miller's car was missing. The vehicle was found the next morning.

Prosecutors said Manning was arrested after he tried to sell some items belonging to the victims.

On Friday, Manning, now 44, asked the Supreme Court to reconsider its 5-4 denial of DNA testing that he argues will prove he is innocent.

The Supreme Court has not yet ruled on the motions.

In their motion, the Mississippi Innocence Project and Innocence Project New Orleans said Manning's appeal is "exactly the kind of case where DNA testing could prove innocence or guilt."

"Just because it's hard to imagine a scenario where DNA testing could exonerate Willie Manning, doesn't mean there isn't one," the groups wrote.

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against Manning's request for DNA testing. The majority said there was substantial evidence to convict Manning.

"Manning fails to demonstrate a reasonable probability that he would not have been convicted or would have received a lesser sentence if favorable results had been obtained through such forensic DNA testing at the time of the original prosecution," the majority said.

Four other justices sided with Manning, saying the DNA testing, if favorable to Manning, would raise questions about his guilt.

In his motion to stay the execution, Manning said a delay would allow time to reconsider the issue both he and the two groups have raised and which the Supreme Court appeared deeply divided.

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 10:52 pm 
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Willie Manning was granted a stay (8-1 vote) to allow DNA testing. Since it's alleged that lost evidence has been recently found, the DNA testing is warranted in order to reassure Manning's guilt or offer proof of innocence.

Texas executed Carroll Parr, he denied responsibility & stated the video footage of him was faked by the police. Parr was pronounced dead at 6:32. Good riddance.

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PostPosted: Tue May 07, 2013 11:03 pm 
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Thanks for the updates carrestorguy

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PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 2:05 pm 
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Texas is scheduled to execute Jeffrey Williams on Wednesday May 15th
Williams was a car thief that murdered a Houston Texas police officer to avoid being arrested for driving a stolen motor vehicle.
Williams recently argued that incompetent legal representation failed to argue that he thought he was being carjacked at gunpoint when the arresting plain clothes police officer was handcuffing him for the carjacking of the Lexus that Williams was driving. Williams recently claimed that he was in fear for his life during the arrest. Williams argued that his state of mind should've reduce his culpability & that the jury shouldn't have convicted him of first degree murder because it was his fear of death rather than premeditation that caused him to murder the arresting police officer.

New Appeal Argues Mental Impairment (Austin Chronicle Article)

It was 9:07pm on May 19, 1990 when undercover Houston Police Officer Troy Blando ran a check through the mobile data terminal in his unmarked Jeep Cherokee, looking for history on a Lexus he spotted driving into the parking lot of the Roadrunner Motor Inn while he was out on the beat, hunting for stolen cars. Just about two minutes later, he activated the MDT's emergency assistance button; he'd been shot, and needed help. Blando did not survive.
Police quickly arrested Jeffrey Williams, who said he'd been getting out of the Lexus in question – a car that he had stolen. Williams told police that he'd shot Blando in self-defense. Blando had approached him with his gun drawn, and Williams didn't know he was an officer, he said. Blando called him names and tried to cuff him, he told police. Williams pulled a gun, as did Blando, according to court records. Both fired; Blando was shot in the chest. The police found Williams near the scene of the crime. He was still wearing a single handcuff on his wrist. In February 2000, Williams was convicted of murdering Blando and was sentenced to death.
Williams has raised a number of points on appeal – including that he is mentally disabled, and that his lawyer, well-known Houston capital attorney Donald Davis, who was disbarred several months after Williams was convicted and then committed suicide several weeks later, failed to do any investigation into Williams' history of mental health issues – making him ineligible for execution. Execution of the mentally ill or the mentally retarded is constitutionally banned, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled.

Indeed, Walter Quijano, the psychologist likely now best known for his testimony in a handful of capital cases opining that being black makes one more likely to be dangerous, was hired in Williams' case, but was never provided any materials or given any direction, he said in an affidavit attached to one of Williams' appeals. In order to prove mental disability to avoid execution, courts look to three factors: low IQ, low adaptive functioning, and childhood onset. (For more on capital punishment and mental retardation in Texas, see "Smart Enough to Die," April 19.) Williams' IQ is in question – he tested at 70 in high school, but his academic achievements surpassed that limited level, the courts have said – as is his ability to care for himself. Friends and family have described a man incapable of dressing or cleaning himself, who doesn't understand how to prepare food or to hold a job. Nonetheless, courts have ruled that he is not too impaired: He was able to buy two vehicles on his own, and, although witnesses said he was unkempt and unclean, no one ever said he smelled bad, a federal judge concluded.
In a new appeal, Williams' current attorney, Virginia lawyer Jon Sheldon, argues that although there was plenty of evidence of Williams' troubled background and mental impairment, none of that evidence was brought in during the sentencing phase of his trial, when the jury must consider whether there is mitigating evidence that might warrant a sentence of life rather than death. That evidence "should have been presented" in Williams' case, he said. In fact, not only did Davis fail at trial, Sheldon said, but Williams' state habeas appeal attorney also fell down on the job – in part by failing to raise an ineffective assistance claim. Indeed, Sheldon said Williams' first habeas lawyer failed to do any real work on Williams' behalf; he took an old appeal from another defendant in an unrelated case and merely did a cut-and-paste with the text – leaving in details from the other case – to create an appeal for Williams. He then filed that appeal late, Sheldon said, prompting the court to reject it. Because of the failed lawyering, he said, the case deserves scrutiny. "You cannot have faith at all that anything in this case" was done properly, he said.

Sheldon said he believes that recent court action in an unrelated matter suggests that the federal courts would agree that Williams' case should be reviewed. It's "highly likely we'll get a stay on this," he said.

If put to death as scheduled on May 15, Williams would be the 498th inmate executed since reinstatement of the death penalty.
As expected, the state on Tuesday executed Carroll Parr, convicted of shooting a drug dealer in a drug-deal-turned-robbery gone bad.

by Associated Press: Posted on May 14, 2013 at 11:50 AM

HUNTSVILLE, Texas — Attorneys for a 37-year-old Texas death row inmate are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to stop his execution this week for the fatal shooting of a Houston police officer 14 years ago.

Jeffrey Demond Williams is set for lethal injection Wednesday evening in Huntsville for gunning down 39-year-old Troy Blando.
Blando was working as a plainclothes officer doing auto theft surveillance when he stopped Williams, who was driving a stolen Lexus. As Blando was putting handcuffs on Williams, he was shot.
Williams’ lawyers argue his punishment should be halted while the high court reviews whether his legal help at his trial and in earlier stages of his appeals was deficient.
When Williams was arrested shortly after the shooting, he was still wearing the officer’s handcuff on one of his wrists. AP

So now it's lesser culpability due to the fear that COPs are carjacking the carjackers. Bahahahaha
Let's get this one over with asap

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PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 8:11 pm 
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Nearly 23 years ago, 10-year-old Christine McGowen was raped and murdered in her bed by a sex offender who sneaked into her northwest Orange County home.

On Wednesday, 56-year-old Elmer Carroll, who killed the fifth-grader who loved hide-and-seek, Nintendo and writing stories, is scheduled to die by lethal injection.
It's a day that Christine's grandfather Richard Rank has been waiting for since the Oct. 30, 1990, killing.

"It's been 20-some years that our granddaughter could have enjoyed her life but didn't, so it's long overdue," Rank, 73, said from his home in northwest Georgia.

After the murder, Christine's mother, Julie Rank, and her husband, Robert Rank, moved to rural Alabama. They divorced after more than two decades of marriage, and Robert Rank now lives in North Dakota, where he drives a truck for an oil company.

Both plan to attend the execution.

So does Orange-Osceola State Attorney Jeff Ashton. He was one of two prosecutors on the case, and it remains vivid in his memory.

Hanging on the wall behind Ashton's desk is a framed photo of a bearded, handcuffed Carroll on April 16, 1992, the day Circuit Judge Belvin Perry sentenced him to death. Perry, now chief judge, then called the killing "savage and barbaric."

Carroll promised to "rise from the grave" to take vengeance on Ashton and co-counsel Robin Wilkinson after a jury took just an hour to unanimously vote for the death penalty.

"Elmer Carroll's a monster, and he always will be," Ashton said last week. "To feel no compassion or pity of any kind for this child, that is the very definition of a monster in my mind."

Carroll had a history of molesting children long before he met Christine.

In 1976 in Pasco County, he performed a lewd and lascivious act in the presence of a child younger than 14. He was sentenced Jan. 8, 1980, to six years and one day in prison for that felony and for aggravated assault.

But Carroll served only about 16 months. At the time, criminals were being released after serving about one-third of their sentences.

Carroll was arrested again in Pasco in November 1982 and sentenced Feb. 1, 1983, to 15 years for fondling a child younger than 15.

He was freed April 16, 1990 — 61/2 months before Christine's murder — after serving about half of his sentence.

"A little 10-year-old girl should not have to die in her bed by the hands of an animal," said Richard Rank, formerly of Sanford. "He was in prison twice before; they let him out early both times, and there was a warrant out for him when this happened."

Since Oct. 1, 1995, Florida inmates have been required to serve at least 85 percent of their sentences.

After his 1990 release, Carroll found a place to live at Lighthouse Mission, a halfway house for homeless people and convicts. Carroll's travel trailer sat about 50 feet from Christine's family's backyard, where she was playing with a friend the evening before she was killed.

Carroll had been laid off from his job as a laborer for a stucco company three weeks earlier. He started making and selling ships from twine and polished wood from discarded pallets.

At his trial, a mission resident testified that Carroll told him Christine was "cute, sweet and liked to watch him make boats," court documents show.

While Christine's stepfather slept and her mother was at work, Carroll broke into their house near Apopka Boulevard and Orange Blossom Trail and attacked the Lockhart Elementary School student. He placed his hand over her nose and mouth to quiet her, raped her and strangled her, Ashton told the jury, calling him a "boogeyman."

DNA, hair and blood tied Carroll to the crime.

Robert Rank found his stepdaughter dead at about 6 a.m. when he went to wake her for school.

Carroll stole Rank's work pickup and stopped for coffee at a 7-Eleven before ditching the truck and getting caught while walking in Bithlo. The keys to the truck and a box cutter were in his pocket.

He was sentenced to death for the murder, life for the rape and 15 years for breaking into the home of an ex-girlfriend four months earlier and beating her new boyfriend with a beer bottle.

A jury in November 1995 awarded Christine's estate $1.5 million in a lawsuit against Lighthouse Mission and its founder, but the Fifth District Court of Appeal overturned the verdict a year later. The court ruled that the mission had no control over Carroll, whom the judges said was merely a tenant.

Though no one will pay monetarily for the crime, Richard Rank said he hopes the execution will bring some sense of peace.

For Ashton, it's the rightful punishment for a heinous act.

"It's justice being carried out," he said.,full.story

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PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 10:03 pm 
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The more of these stories I read, the more in favor of the Death Penalty I become.

I'm glad Jeff Ashton and Judge Belvin Perry got him sentenced to death.


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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:39 am 
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It was the revolving door U.S. justice system which encourages criminals to escalate their level of violence with each crime that caused me to adopt an attitude of enough already. The O.J. Simpson trial was the straw which broke this camels back & put me on the road of supporting capital punishment on a case by case basis.

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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:20 am 
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No doubt some of these offenders in these cases warrant death or worse. But I am torn because of the chances of many being wrongfully convicted. And we are hearing of more each day being exonerated. So much corruption in the system which doesn't help, and the media has a lot bearing on outcomes in some cases.

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PostPosted: Thu May 30, 2013 10:46 am 
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Florida executed Elmer Carroll for the rape & murder of 10 year old Christine McGowan.

The U.S. Supreme Court denied a desperate request for stay of execution of Elmer Carroll.
Carroll was convicted & sentenced to death for the rape & murder of 10 year old Christine McGowan in Orange County Florida.
At 10:am Carroll enjoyed his last meal which consisted of bacon and eggs with sliced tomato, a fruit salad consisting of tropical fruits, strawberries, papaya, peaches, pineapple, an avocado and a can of milk.

"Carroll declined to make a final statement, but Christine's mother, Julie McGowen, issued one: "Thank you to all that have worked so hard, and justice for all, namely, Christine McGowen. Rest in peace."

Elmer Carroll was the type of predatory pedophile that causes children to experience night terrors. Carroll cut a screen to invade the McGowan residence, he raped & strangled 10 year old Christine McGowan while she lay in her own bed.
I bid good riddance to another child raping POS & hope that his soul burns in Hell for eternity.
May the McGowan family finally have a sense of relief that Carroll, a worthless mass of humanity, will never again harm anybodies child.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:57 pm 
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Media Advisory: Elroy Chester scheduled for execution

Pursuant to a court order of the Criminal District Court of Jefferson County, Texas, Elroy Chester is scheduled for execution after 6 p.m. on June 12, 2013.
Elroy Chester pled guilty to capital murder – the killing of Willie “Billy” Ryman III during the course of committing a burglary – and was sentenced to death following a jury trial on punishment.

The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, taking largely from the Court of Criminal Appeals, described the events preceding Ryman’s murder, and the murder itself, as follows:

On the night of February 6, 1998, Erin DeLeon, age seventeen at the time, was home alone with her one-year-old son Tony. Erin and Tony lived in the home of Erin’s mother, Kim Ryman DeLeon, along with Erin’s sisters Claire and Sasha. After putting Tony to bed, Erin spoke briefly on the phone with her boyfriend, and then began watching a movie in the living room.
Unbeknownst to Erin, Chester was outside the house, watching her. He had been walking through her neighborhood, searching for a place to burglarize. He had with him a pair of gloves, a knitted hat in which he had cut two holes to make a ski mask, and a gun which he had stolen in a previous burglary. He had scratched the serial numbers off of the gun. Upon reaching the Ryman home, he recognized it as one he had burglarized previously. He watched Erin through the open window blinds and, when it appeared that she was home alone, he went around the side of the house and cut the phone lines, which he later said was his normal practice when committing a burglary. He checked the side door to the house and found it unlocked. [He] put on his mask and gloves, and entered the house through the side door. That door opened into the kitchen, which he entered, and then came into the living room where Erin was.
Chester grabbed Erin by the hair, held the gun to her head, and demanded money or jewelry. Erin replied that she had a little jewelry, but no money, in the house. Chester then took her through the house, still holding her by the hair, searching her mother’s and sisters’ bedrooms to confirm that no one else was at home. He asked Erin where her mother was and if she was coming home. Erin said her mother would be home in the morning. He then asked Erin who she had been on the phone with earlier. Erin replied that she had spoken with her boyfriend.
Chester then took Erin into her mother’s bedroom, from which he took some jewelry. He then did the same in her sisters’ and in Erin’s own bedroom. He took her to the dining room, and then had her turn off all remaining lights in the home. He then took her into the garage, still pulling her by the hair.

Once in the garage, Erin offered to turn on the lights but Chester refused. Instead, he began feeling around in the dark until he found a roll of duct tape. Erin later testified that she believed by the way he was feeling around that he knew exactly what he was looking for in the dark garage.
As they re-entered the house, Erin’s sister Claire was arriving at the side door with her boyfriend Tim. They attempted to enter through the side door but Chester had made Erin lock it, so Claire knocked on the door. Chester pulled Erin by her hair toward the door and, while hiding behind her with his gun pointed at her head, ordered Erin to unlock the door and let her sister into the house. When Claire entered the house, Chester pushed Erin forward and yelled at Claire not to say anything. Claire began to babble incoherently and Erin tried to quiet her.
Tim, still unaware of what was happening, was still outside on the porch and asked Claire what was wrong. Chester ordered Claire to tell Tim that nothing was wrong and that he should leave. Claire complied, but Tim persisted, and Chester then told him directly to come into the house. Tim’s car was still running, so he asked Chester if he could turn it off first, and Chester said yes, but if Tim attempted to leave that he would kill both girls. Tim went to turn off his car ignition, and then entered the house.

Once inside, Chester, still holding Erin by her ponytail and with the gun pointed at her head, demanded jewelry or money from Claire and Tim. They said they had none—Tim showed Chester his empty wallet, and Claire went to her mother’s bedroom to confirm that there was no more jewelry in the house. When Claire returned, Chester asked Tim what kind of car he had, and specifically whether it was an automatic or a stick shift. Erin later testified that she presumed from those questions that Chester was thinking of using Tim’s car to escape. Chester then ordered Tim and Claire into the bathroom.
Alone with Erin in the dining room, Chester ordered her to remove her clothes. Erin began to do so. Chester used the duct tape to blindfold her. Chester then called for Tim to come out of the bathroom. He ordered Tim to strip, and Tim removed all of his clothes except for his underwear and socks. Chester then used the duct tape to blindfold Tim, and to bind his wrists and ankles. After that, [Chester] dragged Tim into Erin’s bedroom.
Chester returned to the living room and ordered Claire to come out of the bathroom. He ordered Claire to remove her clothes, and she complied. He then blindfolded Claire with the duct tape, and seated her on the floor next to Erin. Erin then removed the tape over her eyes enough to see Chester unzipping his pants and removing his mask, but he came over to push the tape back down over her eyes.

Chester then raped Erin, on the floor, next to her sister. When he was done and had removed himself from on top of her, Erin tried to get up, but Chester pulled her over to where he was now sitting in a chair, and forced her to perform oral sex on him. Chester kept the gun next to Erin’s forehead and threatened to shoot her if she tried to bite him. After the oral sex, Erin moved to the floor area at one side of the room, and Chester ordered Claire to perform oral sex on him, which she did. He repeated the same threat that he would shoot her if she bit him.

At this point, a car approached the house. Chester heard the car, ran into the kitchen to dress himself, and went to stand by the side door to wait for the person approaching, who turned out to be Willie (“Billy”) Ryman, Kim Ryman’s brother and the girls’ uncle. Billy would often come to the house to check on the girls, when he knew their mother was at work. Billy opened the door and turned on the light. Chester yelled at him to come inside, and, upon entering, he shot him. Billy fell to the ground immediately, and Chester dragged his body into the kitchen, where Billy eventually died. Chester then ran out of the house. Claire got up and locked the side door, locking him out of the house.

Billy’s girlfriend Marcia Sharp had been waiting outside in Billy’s truck in the driveway while he went up to the house. Marcia heard the gunshot fired at Billy but thought perhaps it was a car backfiring. Moments later, she saw Chester run out of the house and then try to go back in, after realizing that he had been locked out by Claire. Chester then approached the truck on the passenger side, where Marcia was sitting. The door was unlocked but, just as he reached for the handle, Marcia locked it. Chester was now wearing his mask again. He pulled out his gun and shot once at the lock on the car door. He then noticed that the driver’s door was unlocked, so he ran around to the driver’s side of the truck, but Marcia quickly reached over and locked that door, too. Chester shot twice at the lock on the driver’s door, but it did not open. He then stepped back, looked at Marcia, and shot twice more at the driver’s door window. None of the gunshots hit Marcia. He then ran down the street, away from the house..

Under Texas law, the rules of evidence prevent certain prior criminal acts from being presented to a jury during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial. However, once a defendant is found guilty, jurors are presented information about the defendant’s prior criminal conduct during the second phase of the trial – which is when they determine the defendant’s punishment.
Following his release from prison in March 1997, where Chester was serving time for burglary, Chester engaged in a nearly year-long crime spree leaving five people dead, five others shot, three girls 17 or younger sexually assaulted, and 25 homes burglarized.

On Aug. 9, 1997, Chester broke into the home of Desire Johnson and sexually assaulted her 10-year old daughter. One week later, Chester shot two individuals, including a 16-year-old boy, while attempting to burglarize their houses. The victims of these crimes lived.

On Sept. 20, 1997, Chester broke into the home of John Henry Sepeda, who was asleep in a room with his wife and grandson. As Chester was rummaging through the house, Sepeda awoke and Chester shot and killed him as he was getting up from his bed. About a month later, Chester shot and killed Etta Stallings, an 87-year-old woman living with her bedridden husband, during the burglary of her home. Chester took the pistol Stallings used in an attempt to defend herself and, that evening, shot two more women – who lived – and a dog.
On Nov. 20, 1997, Chester attempted to rob his former co-worker, Cheryl DeLeon, and shot and killed her during a struggle for her belongings. On Dec. 7, 1997, Chester shot Lorenzo Coronado in the head as he lay sleeping on the ground and then took his wallet. Coronado lived.

Chester also killed Albert Bolden, the common-law husband of his sister in late December 1997 in revenge. Bolden approached Chester to burglarize a home together and during the course of the burglary, Chester shot Bolden in the back of the head and left him in the residence.

Chester’s crime spree culminated on Feb. 6, 1998, when Chester broke into Kim Ryman’s home, sexually assaulted her 17 and 14-year-old daughters, bound one of the daughters’ boyfriends, killed her brother, Billy Ryman, and tried to kill Billy Ryman’s girlfriend.

On top of these crimes, Chester testified at trial that he wanted to kill “white folks” and stated that, had he not been arrested, he would still be killing them. Chester also testified that his 10-year-old rape victim was lucky to be alive and expressed regret that he did not kill Erin and Claire DeLeon, and Erin’s one-year-old son. Additionally, Chester stated that he wanted to torture law enforcement officers involved in bringing him to trial and that, if given a death sentence, he would have his “homeboys” kill a law enforcement officer or, if given a life sentence, he would kill a correctional officer. Chester ended his testimony by saying that burglarizing homes was “a whole lot of fun”.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:10 pm 
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Looks as though June 12th will be another double header as Florida is scheduled to execute William Van Poyck after 6:00pm

Summary of Offense:
On June 24, 1987, during the transport of a state prisoner named James O’Brien, Van Poyck and an accomplice, Frank Valdes, ambushed the two guards in the prison van, assaulted them, and fired three shots, one to the head and two to the chest, into one of the guards, Fred Griffis, killing him instantly. In an attempt to free O’Brien from the van, Van Poyck fired numerous shots at the padlock of the van door, with one ricocheting and striking the other guard.

Van Poyck and Valdes then fled the scene in a Cadillac, and a chase with police ensued. During the chase, Van Poyck fired numerous shots at the pursuing police cars, striking three of them. Eventually, Valdes lost control of the car and it struck a tree. The two were arrested and four pistols were recovered from the car, including the service revolver of the guard that was killed.

Van Poyck was sentenced to death in Palm Beach County on December 21, 1988.

Valdes was beaten to death by prison guards in 1999.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:01 pm 
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The Fifth Circuit has denied Elroy Chester’s motion to recall the mandate and motion to stay execution. Van Poyck has stopped blogging, he must have accepted his fate.
They're both out of appeals & headed to Hell this evening

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:06 pm 
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Both Elroy Chester & William Van Poyck have been executed earlier this evening.
Ding Dong dead!

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 1:56 am 
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Florida to execute Marshall Lee Gore on Monday June 24, 2013 @6:oo pm

A Death Row inmate has been scheduled to be executed next month for the murder of an exotic dancer whose nude body was discovered in a South Miami-Dade trash heap, Gov. Rick Scott’s office said Monday.
Marshall Lee Gore, 49, who raped, stabbed and strangled 30-year-old Robyn Novick in March 1988.
He will be executed at 6 p.m. June 24 at the Florida State Prison in Starke.
Gore is also on Death Row for the 1990 murder of a Tennessee woman, Susan Roark, whose body was found upstate in Columbia County.
He is also serving five life sentences and three 30-year prison terms for an attack on another Miami-Dade exotic dancer whom he also beat, raped and stabbed in 1988. She survived — after Gore dumped her near the same spot where he discarded Novick’s body.
Gore’s 1995 trial in Miami was marked by disruptive behavior. He cursed, laughed and howled during the trial, angering the victim’s family and frustrating his own lawyer.
The Florida Supreme Court, in 1998, overturned the conviction after ruling that the prosecutor on the case “exceeded the proper conduct and professionalism” in taunting Gore and telling a jury “he deserves to die.”
In 1999, Gore was re-tried, convicted and sentenced to death.
Novick, a native of Ohio who drove a 1987 Corvette convertible, had worked as a credit representative for a car loan company. The woman later turned to nude dancing at Fort Lauderdale’s Solid Gold but disappeared after going to meet a mysterious man named Tony.
Miami-Dade police said that man was Gore, then 24 and just out of federal prison. Gore was later captured in Kentucky after kidnapping the son of the dancer who survived.

Read more here:

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:25 am 
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Oklahoma is scheduled to execute brian Davis on June 25, 2013
Brian Davis was convicted by a Kay County jury of first-degree murder and first-degree rape in the November 2001 death of his girlfriend's mother, 52-year-old Josephine Sanford. Davis lured his ex- girlfriend’s mother to his apartment, brutally raped her, beat her (breaking her jaw), stabbed her several times & left her to die. The jury sentenced him to death for murder and 100 years in prison for rape.

The Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board recommended clemency
The five-member board voted 4-1 to recommend that the death sentence of Brian Darrell Davis be commuted to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The recommendation now goes to Gov. Mary Fallin for approval or rejection.
Members of Davis' family wept and hugged each other when the board's decision was made.
Davis is scheduled to be executed June 25, but Fallin has the authority to grant two 30-day reprieves in order to study the recommendation and meet with prosecution and defense attorneys, officials said.

Assistant Attorney General Robert Whittaker, who had urged the board to reject clemency, said he was disappointed with the board's decision.
"We'll continue to pursue our options. We'll present the case to the governor," Whittaker said.
Attorney General Scott Pruitt denounced the board's decision and said the brutality of the attack was reflected in Davis' sentence.

Governor denies clemency for Oklahoma death-row inmate
Gov. Mary Fallin did not issue a stay of execution for convicted murderer Brian D. Davis on Thursday despite the Pardon and Parole Board’s recommendation for clemency.
Davis is scheduled to be executed June 25 at the Oklahoma State Penitentiary in McAlester.
The board voted 4-1 last week to recommend clemency for Davis, who was convicted in Kay County of raping and stabbing to death his girlfriend’s mother in 2001. Board members recommended that the death sentence be commuted to life without parole.
Fallin’s office issued a statement Thursday evening, saying the governor had denied clemency to the killer.
Alex Weintz, spokesman for the Governor’s office, did not elaborate on Fallin’s reasoning for going against the recommendation for clemency.
“The governor reviewed the case carefully and takes this responsibility very seriously,” he said.

Gotta love a governor with the integrity to stand up to Thug lovers that would gladly rob society of justice.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 2:35 am 
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Media Advisory: Kimberly McCarthy scheduled for execution

AUSTIN — Pursuant to an order of Dallas County's 292nd Judicial District Court, Kimberly McCarthy is scheduled for execution after 6 p.m. on June 26, 2013.
A Dallas County jury found McCarthy guilty of murdering Dorothy Booth during the course of a robbery.

The United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas described Booth’s murder as follows:

On July 21, 1997 McCarthy entered the home of her 71-year-old neighbor Dorothy Booth under the pretense of borrowing some sugar and then stabbed Mrs. Booth five times, hit her in the face with a candelabrum, cut off her left ring finger in order to take her diamond ring, and nearly severed her left little finger as well. McCarthy then took Mrs. Booth’s purse and its contents, along with her wedding ring and fled in her car. Later, McCarthy bought drugs with the stolen money, used the stolen credit cards, and pawned the stolen wedding ring.

On August 18, 1997, McCarthy was indicted in Dallas County for the capital murder of Dorothy Booth.

On Nov. 17, 1998, a Dallas County jury found McCarthy guilty of capital murder. After a separate punishment hearing, McCarthy was sentenced to death.

On December 12, 2001, McCarthy’s initial capital murder conviction was reversed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals on direct appeal.

On June 28, 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the State’s petition for a writ of certiorari.

On Oct. 29, 2002, following a retrial, a Dallas County jury found McCarthy found guilty of capital murder. She was again sentenced to death.

On September 22, 2004, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed McCarthy’s conviction.

On June 13, 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court denied McCarthy's petition for writ of certiorari.

On August 24, 2004, McCarthy filed a state habeas application, which the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals denied on September 12, 2007.

On September 11, 2008, McCarthy filed a federal habeas petition in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. That court denied her petition on May 9, 2011.

On July 11, 2012, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit denied McCarthy’s application for a certificate of appealability.

On Jan 7, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court denied McCarthy’s petition for writ of certiorari.

On September 4, 2012, Dallas County's 292nd Judicial District Court set McCarthy’s execution for January 29, 2013.

On January 29, 2013, the 292nd Judicial District Court rescheduled McCarthy’s execution to April 3, 2013.

On April 1, 2013, the 292nd Judicial District Court rescheduled McCarthy’s execution to June 26, 2013.

On June 19, 2013, McCarthy filed in the state trial court an application for post-conviction writ of habeas corpus

Under Texas law, the rules of evidence prevent certain prior criminal acts from being presented to a jury during the guilt-innocence phase of the trial. However, once a defendant is found guilty, jurors are presented with information about the defendant’s prior criminal conduct during the second phase of the trial, which is when they determine the defendant’s punishment.

In addition to Booth’s murder, McCarthy had also murdered two other elderly women. The first, Maggie Harding, was an eighty-two-year-old longtime friend of McCarthy’s family, who had helped organize McCarthy’s wedding and who had let McCarthy store excess furniture at her house. Harding was stabbed several times in the face, chest and abdomen, including one wound piercing her heart. She also suffered “dramatic” injuries to her face, including a broken jaw, crushed cheek bone, and bleeding on the brain. These wounds were consistent with being caused by a meat tenderizer found in the kitchen sink. Harding’s purse was missing from her home.

The second of McCarthy’s elderly victims was eight-five-year-old, physically-disabled Jettie Lucas, a “distant cousin” of McCarthy’s mother. Lucas was stabbed in the face, including wounds piercing her eyes. She also suffered blunt force trauma to her head and neck, including strikes which tore one of her ears, fractured her skull, and caused bleeding on the brain. These injuries were consistent with a claw hammer found near Lucas’s body. The contents of Lucas’s purse and wallet were missing.

In addition, McCarthy had convictions for forgery, theft of services, and prostitution. While incarcerated awaiting trial, McCarthy assaulted, threatened and took advantage of other inmates, and violated many prison rules.

This one is so long overdue, she's had every opportunity in the book & any further delay of justice is nothing more than extending McCarthy's worthless life. Let's get er done!

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