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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:47 am 
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Yeah... I noticed Z making a prick of himself on the day.... That's kinda what first attracted me to the story :)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:45 am 
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Posting this vid... mainly because I like the "no nonsense" "Aussie bloke" narrating :cool

Charlottesville Cops Loitering With No Intent

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:56 am 
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I am almost finished watching videos. I like those short ones.

Okay, I shouldn't have looked that Hoax1-6 guy thinks the earth is flat. :doh
BUT, you hit some and miss a lot if you are a conspiracy theorist and he appears legit.
He says he finished college, is a veteran (military police), ex-police officer and has done detective work.

The most fascinating thing was the black guy (stunt person?) flying over the Charger backwards, THEN, back sitting on the truck before the Charger backed out --- that one really puzzles me, and someone got a great shot of the people flying over the car. :roll I thought I mentioned it here but can't find it -- about a woman who I saw all over MSM the next day giving an interview. The guy sitting on the truck is her boyfriend.

Heather's blood on the car doesn't bother me, she could have hit her nose on the windshield, BUT what does me is there are no smears or windshield damage and what was with the windshield wipers? Also, the alleged Heather seems to be sitting up, or are they all holding her up? If she was badly hurt, why wouldn't they have her lying down like the others. I think her face was bloody, but now I am curious to look to see cause of death... specifically.

One thing is the last two videos of showing the Maroon Van driver sitting in the van. That video was taken by the "secret guy" who sent the footage to Sonofnewo. That streamer turned and walked all the way down the street a good ways before the crash happened. So there WAS time for van driver to get out and sprawl herself on top of the car behind her. Was she the same woman with her arms inside the silver car? Maybe trying to turn on the windshield wipers?

They sure had a lot of crowd control people - LOL at the religious costume guy and the Muslim woman.

I know I've forgotten something, so may have more. :)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:11 am 
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I don't believe in this being a totally staged hoax.... but there are a LOT of intriguing details.

I certainly do believe that "White supremacist" and NAZI is a description set up... to cover everybody not LEFT... especially all Trump supporters. "Skin head" groups have been around for years... relatively small groups of "useful idiots" used to cause trouble intentionally. As I mentioned earlier.. I would not be surprised if the current Nazi leaders are in fact left controlled operatives.. stirring up a very small group.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:13 am 
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I like the Aussie Bloke video because it shows the police staged, AFTER the Charger backs out!

There is NO way they couldn't have seen it. A friggin' shoe is in the middle of the street in front of them and people are running and screaming for help. I did notice in Fischer's footage how calmly the police were walking towards the scene and thought it was strange. WTF was the driver of the middle car?


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:55 am 
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This is a good video. viewtopic.php?f=31&t=1874&start=40#p124856

At 5:36 mark, there is a clear shot of the black guy who flew over the car, hurt on the sidewalk. Same shoes and socks from a huge photo on one of the links you posted (ABCnews).

Going to go back, when my head is clear tomorrow, and look for the guy sitting on the truck. May not be the same guy after all.

I'm starting to think the heavy-set female they were giving chest compressions to while on a stretcher (in this video) could be Heather. :(

Thanks for all the info you found. :77

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:02 pm 
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Without running with wild conspiracy theories it is CLEAR that the real villains are the Alt-Left.. Antifart, BLM, etc.. and perhaps the "deep state".. using these idiots.

At the time of the car crash, there was no NAZI event that the Antifa "needed" to "counter-protest". The handful of "Alt Right" were not only VASTLY outnumbered, but had meandered towards the north. All that was left was the USUAL mob of chanting left thugs blocking the street and chanting about how THEY owned the streets and "shut shit down" IF they are to be described as "protesters".. then what they are protesting is civil society, free speech, rule of law etc. They are anarchistic, or communists in effect.. though many are just useful IDIOTS.
ANTIFA are violent FASCIST thugs.. terrorists attacking normal people.

The "Right" have their "useful idiots" too... but so far that is limited to silly chants.. which is what "The First Amendment" protects... Free Speech. The dope who drove his car was perhaps feeble minded and NOT representative of even the so called "Extreme Right Wing" gaggle. There is no doubt this idiot drove towards the cars and people that were BLOCKING the street... but I can see evidence that his assault on people was NOT as savage as many make out. He did drive into the back of a car.. not the crowds on either side. An idiot thing to do... but 20 year old guys, let alone 20 year old guys on anti-psycho meds do idiot things... often. It seems the dead woman was hit by the middle car, and so I imagine that LEGALLY that changes things a bit, as far as drivers legal liability goes? Who knows?

It needs to be STRESSED AGAIN... that NOBODY would have been injured (or killed) if they had been on the sidewalk and NOT BEEN IN THE STREET

The occupants of the 3 vehicles involved were UNHARMED (It seems). Cars in the street often bump into each other... it's what cars do when they get bored.... and so IDIOT children should NOT go meandering in the street where the cars play!!!!

I really do think that the fat cow sitting in the Maroon Van (off-and-on), was INTENTIONALLY blocking the street on behalf of the Alt-left rioters. My guess is that there may have been other blockers along the route? SHE is largely responsible for the accident. A car stalled at an intersection or stopped on the highway will OFTEN cause multi-car pile-ups....any reasonable/responsible driver KNOWS that!! To place a car INTENTIONALLY as a block is (IMO) a serious criminal act. As serious as, if not more serious than, driving (intentionally) into the rear of two cars blocking the road. In fact I would charge the woman from the Maroon van with something involving the death... perhaps "vehicular manslaughter"?
As I have mentioned before.. the guy driving into the cars was an idiot.. but he drove into two cars, not the people at the sides.... he may well have felt threatened, even his life in danger, with that mob of rioters swarming his car and attacking it with clubs. Get stuck in your car amidst that mob and you may well fear for your life.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:13 pm 
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From comments at "Grassy Knoll" YT......
Fit 4 Life
7 hours ago
I FOUND THE PERSON THAT TOOK THE VIDEO!!!! This is all very telling and you are doing a great job!! I have a clip within the attached video that shows that man that took the grassy knoll video...... he is at 21:20 on the far right, in kaki pants, black back pack, grey hat. he is holding a water bottle, and has the strawberry blonde hair that matches his arm hair that you see in various points. he is the appropriate body shape to match his thick hands. Not to mention, he is taking the same path as time elapsed. between the video and the one I have attached. Here he passes the people and heads towards state police in vests and tells them that there are people down and to the right. Now we know what he was wearing. I think he is a director of this production. Also, at the end of this video - Jake Wesley Anderson is conversing with a man that has a black T-shirt that has FREE HUGS on it. Their conversation sure has a lot of information in it. Almost a narrative of the way it needs to go out to the public.

The link as posted didn't work... but I sussed out the Video anyway :cool


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:52 pm 
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Charlottesville: The School Book Depository Film (and a message to Ford Fischer)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:06 pm 
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I'll watch the videos as I am very curious who "secret streamer" is and what he looks like.

The dope who drove his car was perhaps feeble minded and NOT representative of even the so called "Extreme Right Wing" gaggle.

The only thing is, Fields Jr was spotted and photographed several times with the Vanguards, or whatever they are called.

I'm not gonna tell how long I watched videos last night. I see there are even more "new" today. :roll

The only conclusion that I came to is ... the guy flying over the Charger, is the same guy sitting on hood of the black truck and same guy down on the sidewalk, nearby and injured. I don't think the woman in turquoise top, sprawled on the front of the silver car windshield is Heather ... yet. The black truck's left side mirror DOES seem to be torn off, and then back on later -- seen in many videos.

I don't see it as a hoax either, but there sure are some strange things that happened during all this. :smoke

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:39 pm 
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The only thing is, Fields Jr was spotted and photographed several times with the Vanguards, or whatever they are called.

I am not saying he was not part of the "white supremacist" group(s) that were there in Charlottesville... but they are all mouth and no trousers... not likely to drive a car at a mob.... The fact that he is "feeble minded" (and 20 years young) means he actually acted out, rather than just chanted BS.

The crash/car attack actually happened... but I think the whole "confrontation" black V White Supremacist was maneuvered.

The "powers that be" WANTED a confrontation and violence that they could BLAME on NAZIs (and so Trump).. not sure they wanted a death... but clearly they are using it now.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 9:52 pm 
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The Charles Patrick

Published on Aug 22, 2017
CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA. " Riot" was a planned PR stunt gone wrong. My friend whom I trust dearly was there. She was not there to protest. She was not there to riot. She was there having lunch and taking in local culture. As she has done in the past for many weeks. Engaging in conversation with the locals. Ads were placed on craigslist Virginia looking for " paid protesters" from a service that provides crowds on demand. Who paid for this " service? " and why? Participants in this staged event arrived in Buses .Actors wearing BLM and KKK Shirts arrived TOGETHER. In the SAME BUS. They were armed with riot gear, shields, soda bottles full of concrete, condoms full of manure, urine and other substances.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:11 pm 
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Molly wrote:
I'll watch the videos as I am very curious who "secret streamer" is and what he looks like.

"Grassy Knoll" Videographer (GoPro)
(from "The School Book Depository Film")


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:31 pm 
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FULL: Alt-Right Rally & Counter Protesters in Charlottesville, VA (8-12-17)

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:40 pm 
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Thanks for clarifying above, Rumpole. I get what you are saying now. ;)

Fit 4 Life
7 hours ago

I see you found GoPro guy! And he even has his camera on his hat. BINGO.

Thanks :)

Glad I saw THIS video. Very informative and much happened I didn't know about.

Last edited by Molly on Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:51 pm 
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The Person that "Fit for life" suggests is GoPro guy....



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:14 am 
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After DAYS of watching videos of these pathetic snowflake protards....

Somebody should make them understand that when they are out walking/protesting/rioting... the STREET is a dangerous place... where cars have right-of-way...

Maybe they would get it if they were told that the SIDEWALK = SAFE SPACE

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 1:29 am 
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More screen captures from "Charlottesville: The School Book Depository Film" showing GoPro Man



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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:22 pm 
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At the risk of repeating myself....

This "protest" game has got way out of hand. In my experience..... since the Ferguson hoax and ongoing riots and nightly street-parties.

As I have stated many times, a key factor is that these savages are allowed to block streets. That is not only an unexceptionable disruption to normal people going about normal lives, but (as already stated) it is disruptive to vital service vehicles.responding to real critical incidents.... ambulance, fire, police etc. It is also DANGEROUS for the protards themselves. Charlottesville SHOULD have made that obvious to all... but I see that they did not learn.. even those who witnessed people in the street injured did not have the sense to get out of the street then or since.

A mob on a street may well happen briefly as part of a protest, but we are WAY beyond that with the mob intentionally blocking city streets and highways. They BOAST that it's "Their Streets" and that they "Shut shit down".. and in fact that is TRUE... but it SHOULD NOT BE TOLERATED. They should all be rounded up, arrested. IF they chose to behave like cattle.. then drive the herd into a penned in area. I am a great believer in WATER CANNON... certainly worth including in the tools available to police.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 3:58 pm 
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Yet another vid..... these kids with cameras really SHOULD consider some basics about photography. Get past obstructions and people in the way...Stand still ... point camera at a point of interest.. and LEAVE IT THERE for a few seconds.
We can all take crappy photos and vids while "practicing" and getting ourselves organized, but once these kids have had a play and seen the crap results, they should LEARN that not only walking yourself, but swinging the camera around constsntly does NOT produce a good video.

Cville car attack

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