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Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leopold
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Author:  Rumpole [ Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leopold

Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leopold museum

They’re real exhibitionists! Brave museum goers left all their clothes at the coat check
to attend a special after-hours showing of 'Nude Men from 1800 to Today.'

Tuesday, February 19, 2013, 11:19 AM

Museum goers shed everything but their shoes and socks to tour "Nude Men from 1800 to Today" during
a special opening at the Leopold Museum in Vienna on Monday.

VIENNA — These museum goers didn't just leave their coats at the coat check. They handed over their shirts, trousers and underwear.

Everything, in fact, except their shoes and socks. After all, the stone floor can get chilly when you're touring an art exhibit in the nude, which was what more than 60 art lovers did in a special after-hours showing at Vienna's prestigious Leopold museum.

For many, the tour of "Nude Men from 1800 to Today" — an exhibit of 300 paintings, photographs, drawings and sculptures focused on the bare male — was a goose-bump-raising instance of life imitating art.

"I can't say I'm sweating," said office worker Herbert Korvas as he stood waiting in the atrium with other young men, wearing only socks, sneakers and a smile. Despite the cold, he said he was drawn to the idea of naked museum viewing "because it was something different."

But after a while it really wasn't. With no other viewers around, nude quickly became the new normal as the visitors quickly gathered around a — dressed — exhibition guide and moved slowly from one art work to the next, listening intently to their history.

And they weren't the first visitors to get naked either, despite the hoopla around the event that drew dozens of reporters and camera teams from Austria and elsewhere.

A man had already stripped at the exhibition of pictures and sculptures in November, calmly sauntering through the exhibition and dressing again only after a security guard asked him to do so. That act made news — and sparked demand for Monday's all-nude showing, said museum spokesman Klaus Pokorny.

"We got requests from all over the world from people who were inspired by the exhibition ... who asked us, 'Can we visit the exhibition naked?'" he said.

....more at link
http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/l ... -1.1267687

The exhibit looks at how artists have dealt with the theme of male nudity over the centuries.

The show, which opened on Oct. 19, 2012, has been one of the museum's most popular, drawing over
100,000 visitors.

Some 60 art lovers took part in the goose-bump-raising instance of life imitating art.

Author:  packy [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

Somehow shoes and sox don't look good with the nude. Hahaa

Lots of cute dimpled butts there.

Author:  Rumpole [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

Wow... how very perceptive of you to spot that. :13

I agree.. shoes and socks.. always spoils the whole "nude" look.

I didn't notice... guess I was focused on the variety of butts on display and my eyes never strayed down to their feet :24

Author:  Maltese Mama [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

One guy has bare feet. ImageImage

One guy has very pronounced "dimples of Venus". (I had never heard of this before until a male co-worker mentioned how sexy he thinks they are. I didn't know men had them too.)

Author:  Rumpole [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

Hey Mal..... :28

There are statues and paintings and stuff in the photos too :12

Author:  Maltese Mama [ Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

I didn't notice any paintings or art. :84


Author:  boricuafudd [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

From the art that I was able to see, I can see why some would attend, to lift their "spirits" and "self-confidence"

Author:  Rumpole [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

It seems a bit silly to me.

I get the nudism thing.. outdoors at the beach etc

But traipsing around an art gallery....... why? :12

Author:  packy [ Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nude art lovers tour nude exhibit at Vienna’s famed Leop

Never knew what the dimples were called, thanks Mal. I have very deep ones yet I'm skinny so it must be hereditary. In my next life I am going to be of Rubenesque stature.

Wow there are statues there. Hmmmm Hahaaaa

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