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007 came in from the cold
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Author:  Rumpole [ Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  007 came in from the cold

007 came in from the cold
Last updated 05:00 01/11/2012

DON'T MESS WITH ME: 007 the cat.

You just can't ignore 007 - he won't let you.

We unfortunately lost our previous cat Brandy when she didn't recover from a tooth extraction. She was buried in our front garden.

We waited for quite a while wondering if we should replace her. We had a dog - Zoe, our labrador, was a great mate to Brandy, even acting as her pallbearer at the little funeral we held.

A few months after Brandy's demise a work friend asked if I wanted another cat.

He'd had one turn up and was sure it was a stray, but it was tame and quite affectionate. He wanted to find it a good home, so being the soft touch that I am I went and picked him up.

He is a good looking chap, black with a small white spot on his chest. As soon as my partner saw him he called him 007 (for what reason at that time I will never know) and boy does he live up to his name.

A cat of many tricks, you never know what he is going to do or where he will turn up. And, beware, he may walk past and launch an attack.

He rules the roost, loves being inside and launches himself without fear at doors and windows. He also thinks our bed is his and during the night he tries to get the most comfortable spot, usually between us. I recommend a cat like him as a form of contraceptive!

He has been unceremoniously launched from the bed on numerous occasions only to come back with a vengeance. Zoe took a while to warm to him, but they too became good mates before a tumour claimed her.

The vets think he has the coolest name - one of the most unusual they have on their books - and they greet him by calling him Bond.

He is now with us by himself. He's king of the castle, a top secret agent with an attitude, and we wouldn't be without him for anything.

http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff-nation/pet ... m-the-cold

Author:  Maltese Mama [ Wed Oct 31, 2012 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 007 came in from the cold

Sad, but sweet story.


Author:  nameofthepen [ Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 007 came in from the cold

Great story, Rumpole. Beautiful cat! All that self-confidence, plus being black, makes me wonder if he has some Siamese in him. :24

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