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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 8:28 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:30 pm 
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Gloria Allred was interviewd on CNN (by Wolf), where she refused to say the yearbook was NOT forged. It's clear now it was forged and Allred is lying.

I watched Fake Wolf on Fake News CNN interviewing Gloria Allred… and the panel discussion after.

WHERE do CNN find such stupid “legal experts”?

Allred has clearly been caught in a conspiracy to pervert the course of justice…. AGAIN.

Her “spin” is laughable….. demanding a Senate hearing… over a piddling 40 year old case.. well outside “statute of limitations” where no CRIME actually eventuated… driving somebody a few feet into a car park is NOT a crime.. and nothing else happened./

The CRIME here is likely forgery with intent to lay false charges….

And the CNN lawyers (naturally) wanted to just dismiss the whole “yearbook thing” and get back to the underlying charges… which are… ??????? Driving somebody in the wrong direction? who knows.
These people claim to have legal expertise… and yet they fail to grasp that presenting FALSE, manufactured evidence completely discredits the entire accusation.

And they even further back tracked to dismiss any importance of these “other cases”… lets focus on the 14 year old…. really? The point being stressed by CNN (and others) previously is that “all these other examples” (of non criminal behavior) boost the one accusation of criminal behavior… seems not so much now.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 11:57 pm 
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Presenting this fake evidence is particularly stupid because….

The point of accusations from 40 years ago (and the Mob presuming guilt) is that likely THERE IS NO EVIDENCE after 40 years. Impossible for the accusers to actually PROVE wrong doing.. but more importantly….Impossible for an accused person to “Prove their innocence”.
By introducing “evidence” that can be tested…. Allred stuffs up the scam.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 12:02 am 
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And…. if there ever was this Mythical hearing….. I bet you a million dollars to a burnt match that Allred would be jumping in to invoke “the 5th Amendment”.. less her client incriminate herself (on forgery etc)

If there was a hearing… Allred should be questioned herself.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:06 pm 
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Who Wrote the Roy Moore Dossier?
By Cliff Kincaid, November 16, 2017

The so-called Trump Dossier, financed by the Hillary campaign and provided by the KGB through a former British intelligence agent, has fizzled out. It has been supplanted by the Moore Dossier, concocted by Washington Post reporters working for their billionaire owner, P.T Barnum-like Jeff Bezos. This variation of the ploy, with a new target, seems to have legs. Many Republicans and conservatives are falling for it.

But is there really any reason to believe the Moore Dossier has any more validity than the Trump Dossier?

A big red flag appeared when feminist attorney Gloria Allred raised her head in the Roy Moore case. Suddenly another accuser surfaces, under suspicious circumstances, and even “conservative” Republicans are running for the hills. It stinks.

Why do the liberals need the Southern Poverty Law Center when Republicans will pin “guilty as charged” labels on conservatives?

...more at link ... re-dossier

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:01 pm 
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Al Franken called out as a sex fiend

The fact that Franken (DEM) is owning up … kinda? And there is clearly a REAL incident some years back (11) and only brought up now has parallels with the Moore accusations… clearly. I get the feeling that the narrative will be… Frankie puts his hands up to this charge… and so Moore has to do the same.

This is NUTS of course.

You can not “cross-pollinate” accusations… If one is true (Franken) it has zero bearing on the other (Moore)

Also Franken is accused of perhaps crossing a line in a NORMAL adult interaction.. Moore accused essentially of being a pedophile.. many have labeled him just that. Franken would likely suffer little to no consequences… in fact he probably earns “bragging rights”… in male locker-room circles. The mob is calling for (essentially) the destruction of Moore’s life/career.

Is it coincidence… or part of the plan?

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 17, 2017 10:59 pm 
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Al Franken, Roy Moore, Allred and McConnell: a Sexy Mess in the Senate

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:08 pm 
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EXCLUSIVE – Roy Moore: Gloria Allred’s Refusal to Release Yearbook Proves Allegations Are ‘Completely Untrue’
by Aaron Klein17 Nov 2017

Birmingham, ALABAMA — Attorney and activist Gloria Allred’s repeated refusal to immediately release to the custody of an independent examiner the original copy of a yearbook at the center of national controversy proves that “what they have alleged is completely untrue,” senatorial candidate Roy Moore stated in an interview.

The yearbook in question contains the only piece of physical evidence to be presented in the cases of numerous women who have gone public with stories alleging inappropriate conduct between Moore and teenage girls. Moore has strenuously denied the accusations.

....more at link ... ly-untrue/

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:18 pm 
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Gloria Allred: 'Why Does Anybody Doubt' Roy Moore's Yearbook Signature? :lol

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 7:46 pm 
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Drag an old sex scandal law brief with a hook attached through a Trailer Park.. and you’re gonna catch a bunch of Gloria Allreds and fake victims.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:18 pm 
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 9:12 pm 
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The Allred fake victim should be dismissed from the so called Moore accusations.. it's crap.

Fact is there is only ONE claim of "bad" behavior (the 14 year old) and the details of that are out of step with ALL the other claims.. and so the original 3, and now 4? more are actually supportive of Judge Moore. He managed to go on dates (with teens) and DID NOT engage in sexual assault.. his MO is to behave properly.
The ONE accusation is likely NOT verifuiable one way or the other after 38 years.. a fact that the ACCUSER has to contend with.
The onus is still on an accuser to prove wrongdoing.. and leaving it 38 years (or even a few years) is something of the accusers making.. and concern.

The accusation by the 14 year old COULD have been embellished.. in her mind over 38 years.. or intentionally now. It is a fact that human memory of events 38 years ago is likely not accurate.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 12:41 am 
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Judge Bob Vance @BobVanceJr
Roy Moore signed my copy of the Constitution that he gave me when he was chief justice and I was a brand new circuit judge in Alabama
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2017 3:15 pm 
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I am STILL hearing a lot of idiots spouting the meme “Ya gotta believe the accuser”

Which is clearly nuts.

There are REASONS why the judicial system includes “Statute of Limitations” on charging crimes. The evidence is GONE.. witnesses are even less reliable that usual.. etc.

By the same token there SHOULD be a “statute of limitations” for making accusations…. that unlikely are unverifiable one way or the other.

Here is the FAKE accuser

Roy Moore Accuser Leigh Corfman Speaks Out: 'He Seduced Me’ At Age 14 | TODAY

I DO NOT find Leigh Corfman at all convincing.

I have READ her history.

She looks to have had money spent on a “make-over” and coaching with rehearsed talking points.

Any sympathy I might have had (for any 14 year old) is GONE. I hope she can be caught in inconsistencies… perhaps financial transactions… pay-to-accuse.

“I was a 14 year old child playing in an adult world”

I wonder who wrote THAT meme for her? :roll

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:30 pm 
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(fb Judge Roy Moore for U.S. Senate)

GADSDEN, Ala. – On Monday evening, the Moore Campaign unveiled statements from key witnesses that completely bust the story of Beverly Nelson and Gloria Allred and further reveal an unconscionable bias on the part of state and national press to hide the truth from Alabama voters who will undoubtedly see through the "fake news" and elect Judge Moore for the man that they have always known him to be.
According to a former waitress, Olde Hickory House required employees to be 16 years old. Nelson claims she was 15 when she started.
According to two former employees, the dumpsters were on the side of the building. Nelson claimed that they were in the back.
Olde Hickory House sat right off of the four-lane highway and had a wrap-around porch with lights all around it. Nelson claimed that the surroundings were "dark and isolated."
Rhonda Ledbetter, who worked at Olde Hickory House for almost 3 years, states that the earliest it closed was at 11 p.m. but she believes it was open until midnight. She is certain it did not close at 10:00 because Goodyear was next door, and employees came to eat when their shift ended at 10 p.m. Nelson claims her story occurred after the restaurant closed at 10 p.m.
It is unlikely that there was an entrance from the back of the parking lot, which Nelson claimed existed. Multiple sources have claimed that everyone parked on the sides of the building because there wasn’t much room behind the restaurant, according to Rhonda not enough room to turn around. Renee Schivera stated that a neighborhood backed up to the parking lot and it was adjacent to the backyards of people’s houses, so she did not see how there would have been a back entrance as it would have gone through someone’s yard.
Nelson claimed that Judge Roy Moore came in almost every night and sat at the counter, but former employees state that customers at the counter were served by the bartender or short order cook - not served by the waitresses and had no reason to interact with the wait staff. Additionally, two former waitresses and two former patrons state they never saw Judge Moore come into the restaurant.
These witnesses have shared their testimony with multiple news outlets. The outlets have failed to report.
Rhonda Ledbetter, a retired public school teacher who is currently the senior choir director at a Baptist church and teaches children at a local, church-sponsored day care center, was a waitress at Olde Hickory House for almost three years from 1977-1979. She was a college student at Jacksonville State University at the time and worked varying shifts at different times of day, multiple days a week during the time of her employment. She said in a statement: “When I heard Beverly Nelson’s story, there were several details that were different from what I remember. I was nervous at coming forward because of all the attention this story has gotten, but as a moral and ethical person I had to speak up about what I know to be true. I was a waitress at Olde Hickory for almost three years from 1977-1979, and I never saw Roy Moore come in to the restaurant. Not one time. And I would have noticed because most of our customers weren’t wearing suits, especially not at night. Many customers worked at Goodyear next door and would stop in on their way to and from work, and I don’t remember anyone from the courthouse coming in at all. That just wasn’t our crowd.

"A few things stuck out to me. First, Nelson said she was 15 years old when she started working there but you had to be 16. I don’t remember her from my time there, and I don’t remember any 15 year olds working there at all.

"Second, Nelson said the restaurant closed at 10 p.m. but I know the earliest it closed was 11, though I believe it was midnight. I’m certain of that because Goodyear employees came in to eat after their shift ended at 10:00 p.m., so there’s no way we would have closed at that time.

"Third, the area wasn’t dark and isolated as she described. Rather, the building was right off the busy four-lane highway and people and cars were always around. The restaurant had a wrap-around porch, like the ones at Cracker Barrel restaurants, and there were lights all around the sides of the building. So it wasn’t dark and anyone in the parking lot was visible from the road.

"Fourth, the dumpsters were to the side of the building, not around back and there sure wasn’t room to park in between the building and the dumpsters. People from the kitchen would take trash out of the side door and throw it right into the dumpsters. We were always told to park on the side of the building, because there just wasn’t much room behind it. I don’t remember there being an exit from the back of the parking lot, there would barely have been enough room to turn a car around.

"I came forward because from what I’ve seen, the media is only interested in reporting one side of this story. In fact, Dixon Hayes from WRBC in Birmingham asked for former employees to contact him but never responded when I told him I never saw Roy Moore come into Olde Hickory House during the three years I worked for. Two other news outlets in the state asked to interview me and I agreed, but neither one has aired my interview and I have to wonder why they don’t think the people of Alabama deserve to hear anything that counteracts the accusations against Judge Moore. It’s not for me to say whether or not something happened, I can only tell the truth about factual details that I know for sure. I think all Alabamians deserve to have all of the facts so they can decide for themselves what the truth is. Despite what the national media and people in DC might say, Alabama voters are intelligent and have common sense. We don’t need anyone to tell us how to vote or to explain to us what really happened. We will make that decision and I just wanted to do my part in sharing the truth on some of these important facts. I, like all Alabama voters, want any and all information that can shed light on the truth.”

Johnny Belyeu, Sr. is a former police officer with over two decades of experience with the Etowah County Sheriff’s Department and the Gadsden Police Department. He said in a statement, “I was an officer with the Etowah County Sheriff’s Department in the 1970s which means I worked in the courthouse and knew who Roy Moore was since he was the Deputy District Attorney at the time. I was a regular customer at Olde Hickory House, and I never once saw Judge Moore come in there. If he had I would have immediately recognized him. I also never met Beverly Nelson during any of the many times I frequented the restaurant, and I can’t say that she even worked there.”

Renee Schivera of Huntsville, Alabama stated, “I was a waitress at the Olde Hickory House during the summer of 1977, before my senior year of high school. When I heard Beverly Nelson’s story the first thing that stuck out to me was that I don’t remember Roy Moore ever coming into the restaurant. I also don’t remember her working there. The other thing that struck me as odd is that from my best recollection, the dumpsters were to the side of the building. I just know they were visible from the road, and not back behind the building. But the main thing is that if someone came in almost every night we knew who there were, and I never saw Roy Moore there. As a Christian woman, I wouldn’t lie for anyone and I am only sharing what I know because it’s the truth.”

"The days of unbiased reporting are over," Moore Campaign strategist, Brett Doster said. "The liberal media will dodge any source and refuse to air any interview that doesn't square with their effort to land a liberal Democrat in the senate seat. The Moore Campaign is committed to presenting factual truth to the people of Alabama and looks forward to victory on December 12." ... 4039752830

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:19 pm 
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TRUMP endorses Roy Moore (kinda)

President Trump: "Roy Moore denies it. That's all I can say." (C-SPAN)

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 5:27 pm 
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I thought Trump handled the Media kids well :)

I was a little worried that if he said ANYTHING it would be spun by the fake News spiders.

What Trump did say was great "Moore TOTALLY denies it"

Trump also pointed out what Mitch McConnell and the GOPe hacks are intentionally avoiding. The choice in Alabama is BINARY... Moore or Jones. There is no "other republican" who can be inserted (and win) at this stage. This thing was spun as "Moore should step down and let another Republican take his place" THAT was NEVER a viable option/ outcome of this Fake hit job. The hit job was contrived to replace a Republican Senator in Alabama with a Democrat.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:56 am 
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BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore Campaign Officials give EXPLOSIVE Press Briefing

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:13 pm 
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 7:23 pm 
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