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PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:34 pm 
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Saturday, November 02, 2019, 05:47
Sorry Boris, but Nigel and Donald are right about trade

Brexit Facts4EU.Org exposes some of the deception coming from No.10

Readers will note that the Prime Minister did not immediately come out and say that the UK can do (and implement) a trade deal with the USA or other countries if the UK ‘leaves’ the EU on 31 Jan 2020. We start with some basic facts.

No right to implement trade deals with other countries

Crucially, during Transition the UK will have no right to implement international free trade deals – a key economic benefit of Brexit – which would result in cheaper imported goods and stronger exports.

Under the Withdrawal Agreement the UK CANNOT implement any free trade deals with the USA or with any other country until the end of Transition.

Even after Transition the obligations contained in the Political Declaration (PD) bind the UK into all kinds of obligations. The revised PD is better than Mrs May’s but is still unacceptable. Any EU trade deal must ensure “a level playing field for open and fair competition” and “deep regulatory and customs cooperation”.

...more at link

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 3:55 pm 
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The point is getting lost in the spin .. as intended. Bar-room barristers reading pages of fine print and GUESSING what it all means is already a PROBLEM TOO FAR. We already KNOW that Politicians, lawyers and other charlatans will MAKE UP some interpretation of some obscure sub-clause to SCREW the people. This reinforces the demand to NOT HAVE a binding document.. full of the usual legal horseshit... HENCE..... NO DEAL (document) REQUIRED!!!


Oh dear... how sad... never mind! :)
Tactical voting schemes in elections often do not work.. sometimes they even "backfire". Boris is CLEARLY not planning do the Brexit that many want... so he should LOSE those votes. Talking to people, and reading comments, it seems to me to be a large number of voters.. buy maybe Boris has poll data that shows he does not NEED those voters, so screw them? Let the campaigns begin.... VOTE BREXIT PARTY

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 4:17 pm 
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General election 2019: Lib Dems lodge complaint over ITV leaders' debate


Boris: "I wouldn't even debate her"

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 3:06 pm 
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The prospect of a Corbyn Government is bad... but with Boris adamant about his "deal", on balance Boris is worse!!
At least a Labour government will be distracted for months (years). They have to seek to open talks with EU again. Extend Article 50 some more (years?), negotiate a new "deal"/treaty with EU. Bring that back to UK Parliament, get it passed (maybe amended). Design a Referendum and put this "deal" back to a "People's Vote". They then have to enact the result of the referendum. It could well be "accept the deal"... and doing that for first referendum has taken 3 and a half years so far. Clearly enacting any referendum new deal will take months/years of debate in Parliament. Then.. years down the track Labour are also going to do a Scottish Independence Referendum as well... with more years to do that and enact the result. Corbyn will not have time to pick your pocket (much) and he wont be able to Nationalize anything while still in EU.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 8:00 pm 
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From the Twitter account of the UK PM (Prime Meower)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 2:04 am 
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TODAY - Parliament Elects a new Speaker of The House
The circus starts 2:30

Otherwise it is SICKENING to see the usual... every party promising to spend people's own money (Tax) on them :wall

I am NOT interested.. and they all lie anyway.... always.

BREXIT is all that matters and ONLY BREXIT PARTY deserves a vote.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:09 pm 
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Parliament is a farce even doing a simple thing like pick a speaker

The farce continues...
Lindsay Hoyle extends his lead after second round of voting, but still short of 50% needed.


They just keep voting... and so Hoyle will get it... eventually. :doh

Last Elimination vote...
Sir Lindsay Hoyle (244) 267
Chris Bryant 120 (169)
Dame Eleanor Laing (122) 127

Laing is eliminated, Clarke says. Bryant and Hoyle will go through to a final round.

Sir Lindsay Hoyle: 325 (267, 244 and 211)
Chris Bryant 213 (169, 120 and 98)

Sir Lindsay Hoyle is new speaker

I saw a great point raised...
WHY is this DEAD Parliament selecting the Speaker who will control next parliament??

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 10:31 pm 
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People (like myself) appreciated the difficulties that Boris was handed when he became PM. May wasted 3 and a half years, writing a TREATY (accepting a treaty concocted by Merkel) that was NOT NEEDED in the first place!! Boris had very short time (to Brexit date), the best he could do was "put some Lipstick on" the May Treaty pig. He was further hampered by Parliament passing laws taking "no deal" off the table... Art of the Deal 1.01 requires THREATENING to walk away!! Boris could only BLUFF that he would (break the law) leave with no deal. Given Boris was in the end stuck with May deal, and unable to walk away.. IMO Boris should be RELIEVED that John Bercow (Parliament Speaker) and Remainer tricks caused him to FAIL getting his deal through Parliament. Boris could now promise a REAL BREXIT after an election win. Farage would support and help him win (a landslide), bit instead, Boris (and even the formerly Euro-skeptic "Spartans") have opted to push the BAD DEAL (Brexit in name only- BRINO). I agree that Farage should NOT support Boris in these circumstances. If Boris wins a clear majority , and so passes his Deal.. it is actually the DEATH of Brexit. Many LEAVERS are being CONNED.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 12:35 am 
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Here is a suggestion... leading up to the election...

Boris could TRY telling the truth!

I resisted going along the leftist attacks on him as a LIAR... but I have now seen many examples myself.. Boris tells lies!

Rather than his bluster about "an excellent deal", he should say.. he was forced to negotiate a deal under duress. A VERY tight time restriction, and to make matters worse, the Benn Dover Surrender act destroyed a critical aspect of any "deal negotiation".
With no time, he could do nothing other than try and tidy up May's bad treaty. As things tuned out he had a LUCKY ESCAPE when Parliament blocked the "Deal".. it was NOT Brexit at all. Boris now has a chance to simply LEAVE the EU and then negotiate free trade deal after.. which May should have done on 29th March. The talk of WTO is simply reference to the existing International treaty that will be in effect while EU and UK negotiate their own Free Trade deal. It is in BOTH sides interest to get that done.. and it NEED NOT involve this ridiculous agreement to "stay aligned" (entangled) with all the EU crap and pay divorce settlement", agree to ongoing legal restraint and financial liabilities (via the European Investment Bank). IMHO it is not unreasonable for UK to seek a Divorce settlement PAYMENT, since UK have paid many billions into EU over the past 40 years, and so have a stake in the existing EU infrastructure and assets at time of the relationship being terminated. Of course nations who agree trade deals agree on "standards" that is normal, but it should not extend as far as EU seem to demand.. and certainly can not sensibly be binding on any trade deals UK may strike with other nations (such as USA)

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:34 pm 
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Jess Phillips Resignation Watch


Back in March, Jess Phillips gave an interview to the Times all about herself (quelle surprise), in which she said she would “almost certainly” quit the “controlling, bullying, chaotic” Labour Party if Tom Watson did. Jess has always been thought of as an honest politician – the clock is ticking…

Following Watson’s resignation last night, former Blair and Brown adviser Theo Bertram points out a running theme amongst Gordon Brown’s former advisors-turned MPs:

Image ... 3691212800

...more at link ... ion-watch/

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:44 pm 
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Jess is "playing dump"?....

To be fair.. she is actually very stipid and I doubt she remebers half the tings she says in interviews.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 2:52 pm 
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BORIS was OK as a political "personality"... as Mayor and an MP.. as an eccentric Cabinet minister even, but I do NOT find him to be acceptable as PM. Smart lines, "zingers", verbal put-downs and a University debate team style, wears thin very quickly. Having a stab at an answer and getting it wrong is not an acceptable excuse for frequently giving false answers. It is in fact misleading the public (Lying). And Boris leads a Tory party that has few, if any, members of "substance" who inspire trust. I do not see any sort of "Conservative Principles" underpinning policy. I see appeasement and pandering and Government spending to placate. Hard to tell a "Tory" from a Socialist. Of course other parties, may well have even less talent

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 09, 2019 7:22 pm 
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The world has gone mad...
(From Daily Express)


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2019 12:08 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:47 am 
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Remembrance day 11th November...


LEST WE FORGET......"The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month."
(Armistice signed between the Allies and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front WWI)

Pause Reflect Remember | Lest We Forget | British Army
Nov 8, 2019
British Army

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2019 5:46 pm 
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Boris is going to win the election.. with a healthy majority.
Farage wont win any seats
Boris is going to ratify his treaty (STEALTH REMAIN)
UK will pay EU 39 billion, and lots more ongoing
Boris WILL NOT keep "promises" he included in recent "Political election speech" (That's not how politics works)
The "Transition period" will be 3 years+ and at the end of that UK will still be entangled with EU. Unable to negotiate Free Trade with EU, let alone any other nation.
In 3 years, UK will still be striving to stay "aligned" with EU, regulations, standards, laws, taxes etc. but have no say in EU adding to those restrictions
Nigel will be back on LBC
Have a Euro day !

I think the game was up after March 29th. When the ruling elites simply FAILED to deliver brexit, and "The people" did NOTHING (mostly). The politicians then KNEW they could do ANYTHING they wanted.. break laws, precedents, lie, betray,.. and they did just that. We even had a repeat... 31st October... betrayal. Now an election.. and Boris STEALTH REMAIN. Politicians from ALL PARTIES talking about the ridiculous Climate Crisis hoax and pandering to Climate Cult. And "conservatives" competing with Marxists to BORROW AND SPEND.. with "investment" now redefined as massive spending on "social programmes"... CLOWN WORLD!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 14, 2019 3:08 am 
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‘Don’t give up’ on stopping Brexit, says Donald Tusk

‘After its departure, the UK will become an outsider, a second-rate player,’ claims European Council leader

Chiara Giordano


European Council president Donald Tusk has told campaigners “don’t give up” on reversing Brexit, warning that the UK would become a “second-rate player” after it leaves the EU.

The outgoing president also said the UK would become an “outsider” after Brexit, and that a friend who suggested it is “the real end of the British Empire” is probably right.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 2019/2020 academic year of the College of Europe, Mr Tusk said he envied former Commons speaker John Bercow because he can “finally, honestly say what he thinks about Brexit”.

...more at link ... 02291.html

Being lectured to by a self-seving EU toss-pot...Polish dude....Reason enough for UK to LEAVE

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2019 5:15 pm 
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I can appreciate that when you are actually "donkey deep" in a situation you simply can not see some aspects clearly.
But as a British citizen who has lived and observed from the outside for many years, let me share a view from "the outside". Joining the EEC was a split decision from the outset. There were obviously gains to me made from joining a "Trading Block" of nearby nations, but there were also MANY good arguments against it, eg for the trade that it restricted with UK's traditional (Commonwealth) partners. However the real problem is that the EEC "project" was (we now know) just a cover for much broader and deeper schemes way beyon mere trade, to establish a POLITICAL union (even a EUROPEAN EMPIRE, as Guy Verhofstadt now openly admits). UK citizens were not consulted on joining the EEC, the 1st referendum was held years AFTER joining. It was an opt to stay in poll, and WON 67%, but as I say that was based on EEC being a trade block, not a political European Union. I contend that UK citizens in 1975 would NOT have agreed to the EU as it is now, in fact that question was the basis for the Referendum in 2016, and 52% said WE WANT TO LEAVE. I further contend that it is REMAIN VOTERS who did not know what they were voting for. There is far more to remaining in the ever expanding European Union Project than people relise and they are being CONNED lied to by MSM and by politicians from all Parties (except BXP).

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 2:17 pm 
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THIEF MPS Two MPs caught trying to steal valuable furniture from offices before being thrown out for election

Matt Dathan, Deputy Political Editor
16 Nov 2019, 1:45Updated: 16 Nov 2019, 1:45

TWO MPs were caught trying to nick valuable furniture from their Parliamentary offices before they were chucked out for the election last week, The Sun can reveal.

One of them even tried to steal a chaise lounge, a security official said.

The two incidents spurred the Parliamentary authorities to send a letter to all departing MPs warning them not to steal furniture.

In the memo they warned MPs they have a list of all furniture and artwork in their offices so will be able to identify any missing items.

Security official refused to name either of the MPs who were caught trying to steal furniture.

But the official told The Sun: “Security have stopped two MPs removing antique furniture this week. One even had a chaise lounge.”

More than 70 MPs decided to stand down at this election.

....more at link ... -election/

EXTREMELY frustrating that the identities not being released.
These individuals NEED to be exposed.. they might even be up for re-election.

MPs try to steal furniture from Westminster!
Nov 18, 2019
Jeff Taylor

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2019 6:08 pm 
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FWIW... the interview....

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein FULL INTERVIEW - BBC Newsnight
Nov 16, 2019
BBC Newsnight

I remember Prince Andrew when he (and I) were younger.
I dont follow the Royals closely... but from what little I saw... I thought he was OK. Prince Charles's younger brother.. not so wet as Charles... served in navy... took part in Falklands war. He was known as RANDY ANDY... for a reason... lots of stories/photos of partying... with a succession of women. So it's a bit rich that he is denying these accusations now.

The randy old sod comes across as GUILTY in this interview... and LYING... A LOT!

Personally I think it is a bit of a mistake to conflate sex with mature(ish) teens and younger CHILDREN (Pedophilia)
BOTH are CRIMES... but the "age of consent" and the "maturity" of some girls despite being "under 18" is a consideration.
I am NOT denying that the mere fact that an older guy is propositioning a teen (more vulnerable status to the adult) makes in perhaps "statutory rape" even with the girls consent. But... I have to say I would regard that as at least a DIFFERENT crime to violently physically and sexually assaulting a girl wuth no hint of "consent" (including drugging).
To my mind... sex involving younger children infants is a Different crime again.

I think Randy Andy "liked em young" and so is guilty for sure... and aparently these girls were in some cases "enslaved" by Epstein and his crew...

The good news is.....

IF the UP press "get their teeth" into this... they MIGHT do some investigative journalism and unearth some info on Epstein in the process... which may also inclue unearthing ifo on Bill Clinton (an otherUS peeps)

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