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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:29 pm 
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I am actually finding it quite DISAPPOINTING....

... that so many people seem to be Q-Nuts... Conspiracy Theory Nuts generally.
Q is just one (rabid) variation, there are other "Conspiracy Theories" on Twitter and at blog sites. It seems to be the way many (most?) people view politics (maybe the world generally). And they like to GOSSIP. No harm in that as a thing to do online, but it is what it is.... cheer-leading, fan posting, and "what if.." speculation. Stuff to be filed under "fantasy fiction" (a good yarn) rather than in the "reference section".

Obviously there are a LOT of gullible (and stupid) people about... Over half the voting public vote Democrat, and sadly I think the people who vote Republican (Trump) are not much smarter. A LOT of "useful idiots" on both sides. Some may vote correctly... for Trump... but it's more luck than a well reasoned evaluation of things.

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:58 am 
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Shift the goalposts...


life goes on

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:00 am 
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The Magic Q-Ball.....
Horoscope for the Politically Suggestible and Intellectually sub-optimal.
(A fortune-telling scam since 2017)



Here's another CLUE for you all
"The Walrus was Paul"

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:02 pm 
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Transcript of James Comey Joint Session Deposition To Congress

pdf 235 pages ... cted-1.pdf

Apparently... Comey has Alzheimer's ....

Trey Gowdy released a statement (including counts}..


245 Total :roll

The thing is.....
Crooked Hillary email Crimes WERE 2009 (9 years ago), and even Comey investigation was 2 - 3 years ago now.
So "I don't remember" does become a legit response to questioning.
That is what happens when you "Trust The Plan" and run out the clock year after year. :roll
Congress COULD have interviewed Comey (again) a LOT sooner... and better still... Comey could have been interrogated
in the course of a proper Criminal Investigation 2 years ago!!

If any of these people ever do get as far as a trial.... Not remembering will be even more valid!

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:03 pm 
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So... A Lot of discussion about Comey Testimony to Congress....

But it REALLY does not matter!!!

Not even a little bit.

CLEARLY he is simply not answering some questions ("I don't remember") and hiding behind the old excuse of "State secrets" as well. No doubt when he does answer he is telling LESS than the whole truth.. and even LYING at times. But so what?

It was KNOWN even before Trump was sworn in that there were CRIMES involving surveillance of Trump Campaign (unmaskings etc), and it became clear early on that the Trump transition, President elect, was being spied on and that continued even when Trump became President. Right back then was when CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS should have been underway. The FBI do not have to WAIT normally... for Congress, or OIG etc to do "probes". They investigate crimes all the time that are NEVER "probed" by Congress or the OIG etc :roll
The fact that Congress is holding hearings is irrelevant one way or the other.

I see people bemoan the fact that "Sessions bashing" was relentless. but "au contraire mon ami"
The Q dopes (and others) STILL fail to grasp just how BAD Sessions was!! In fact they STILL think that Sessions will be shown to have been "part of the plan"... a good guy along with Mueller, Rosenstein etc :doh

Sessions is personally responsible for the mess we are in!!
He should NEVER have allowed himself to be pushed into recusal. He should never have allowed a "Special Counsel" to investigate Trump (Muh Russia). IF there was to have been a Special Counsel at all it should have been investigating The Great Hoax... The Illegal exoneration of Crooked Hillary and the illegal Targeting and spying on Trump,

As I have said many times now... Whether Congress "get to the bottom of things" or not, is totally IRRELEVANT. We know there were many crimes, involving Many in the Obama Administration and Intelligence Agencies.. likely Obama himself, so...

Proper LE interviews (interrogations) do NOT let a witness get away with "I don't remember". That is just silly.. and a waste of time if that is the quality of the questioning by Congress.


Forget Congress. Start Criminal Investigations. Quetion people like Comey after he has been arrested!!

The evidence is real, the Indictments are fake...

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:44 pm 
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As far as the Protests/Riots in France go....

For as long as I can remember there have been Protests/Riots in France from time to time. :roll

I have not followed French politics closely, or the detailed demands of most protests.. but in general terms it seems they are about demanding more by way of entitlements and Government assistance. I recall French Farmers protesting cuts in Government subsidies and demanding protectionist Tariffs to protect (inefficient) French Farmers from competition from (cheaper) imported produce. The EU grew out of The ECC which did impose restrictions on imported goods.... a protectionist scheme by a few European Countries.. and even back then, France was all about stopping Free trade (from outside ECC Countries), and setting up a captive market for their own (more expensive) produce.

My guess is that many of the Protestors in France are not exactly "Right Wing" :roll

Those cheering on the French Riots... should be careful what they wish for.


If there is such a wave of Populist feeling in France... why did the voting public CHOOSE Macron?
Rather than riot now, they should have made a better choice when they had the chance to vote!
Just sayin' :cool

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 7:53 pm 
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It looks to me like there is already "Preemptive Rationalization"...

To excuse the Trump Administration LACK of progress (failure) in regards accountability imposed on Swamp Criminals...

The biggest flaw that people make is thinking POTUS Trump cares about the DC swamp enough to confront it, or expend energy on it….. in my humble opinion, he doesn’t.

He’s working on generational issues that are much bigger and consequential than the administrative state. The DC deep state is downstream from where POTUS is working.

Donald Trump is, well, essentially, John Galt. ... 1#comments

As in... "sure nobody is being held to account, but Trump has "bigger fish to fry"... was not trying to do that anyway!"
(So wtf has Sundance been going on about for past 2 years?) :roll

Well that's alright then... people like General Flynn can be "put through hell"...have their lives ruined.. wealth stripped, family threatened. Anybody even remotely associated with Trump.. attacked.. criminalized while Crooked Hillary, Obama, and a host of high ranking Dems (real known criminals).... get speaking tours, book deals and gigs on CNN! Trump himself, hindered at every turn by people who should themselves be devoting their time and energy to their own Criminal defense.... So long as Trump works on deals such as China?

Got it!! :roll

(Doncha think the "deals with China, Russia etc" would themselves benefit (get resolved quicker) if Trump admin first cleaned out the swamp and got that mess off his back?)... asking for a friend. :cool

I think maybe Sundance realizes that although his Speculation is far more real than Q nonsense.. it is also perhaps not going to "bear fruit". He is distancing himself to some extent.
Sundance does at least speculate, based on data.. and makes his predictions in plain English.... but they are similar to Q in the sense that they are "speculation"
Given that CTH is a Trump "fan-site", I think there is a tendency to be "over optimistic" and to gloss over negative data.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:02 am 
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If Comey gets away with "Can't Remember" stuff he did last year....

You can bet that a senile former First Lady, who has had a serious concussion (or 2) is NOT going to be pushed if asked to testify about email server (a decade ago) let alone Clinton Foundation stuff before that.

The evidence is real, the Indictments are fake...

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 10, 2018 10:14 pm 
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Hannity repeating his line "It's the Year of the Boomerang.."

Hannity keeps claiming that all the accusations of "wrong doing" directed at Trump side will come back on Dems......

It would be nice if TRUE... but NOTHING IS HAPPENING TO DS Crooks :stamp

I am reminded of the old (classic) Charlie Drake song.....


If you want your Boomerang to come back... well first you've to THROW IT!!

How Prophetic Charlie Drake was... way back in 1961 :eek

Thanks to Sleepy Jeff... after TWO YEARS we have not "Thrown any boomerangs" at The DS Crooks yet :roll

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 6:15 pm 
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Q-Nuts - Group think


They boast about it? SAD!

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 6:52 pm 
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Time have revealed their latest magazine cover....


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PostPosted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 11:14 pm 
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:03 am 
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I guess it is "comforting" .... think that "exposure" of "DS corruption" etc to the public will result in a public "outcry", which those in power will be forced to respond to, but......

I think that was "in the past" (if it was ever real at all)

The Corruption of the Clintons, Obama, and many in the Obama Administration has been exposed.... there has been varying levels of "outcry"... even documents produced, and people questioned by Congress... but nobody has been held accountable... nor looks like ever being held accountable... SAD!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 10:57 pm 
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The Washington Post broke the claim by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to be Jewish...

The Boston Globe still shows a mirror of the WaPo article.. with original image...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez reveals Jewish ancestry at Hanukkah celebration


By Isaac Stanley-Becker Washington Post December 10, 2018

Hanukkah celebrates the miracle that oil thought to be enough for only one day burned instead for eight. So the Jewish festival of lights is also, in a way, a celebration of surprise.

A temple in Queens got a small dose of surprise on Sunday — the final night of Hanukkah — when Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the New York Democrat with a knack for dramatic flourish, told those gathered to light the menorah that her ancestors were Jewish.

...more at link ... story.html

The WaPo article ORIGINALLY CHOSE an image of Cortez which seems to echo the stereotype "nasty/crafty Jew" depicted in the well known "Happy Merchant" Meme. The WaPo have replaced the original image with a video now. :roll

"Happy Merchant" Meme

A RACIST Cartoon is said to be the origin of the "Happy Merchant" Meme

Just sayin...... :roll

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 11:09 pm 
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Sargon Discusses this....

Red Cortez Claims to be Jewish
The Thinkery
Published on Dec 11, 2018

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 4:44 am 
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Cryin' Chuck...


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 6:59 pm 
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Q Trust the plan - HUBER is the answer [D13]........ FAIL!!!

HUBER was actually a "no show" for the Q-cult big day [D13] Huber :roll

From the "whistle blowers" on Clinton Foundation crimes, testifying to Congress....
It turns out...


Apparently Huber ignored and lost multiple copies of same evidence.. did nothing for a year and a half until he thought he would be questioned, and found wanting, by Congress. :roll

So much for Huber!! and Q's [D13] :slap

Even if he did a few "sealed indictments"... he would have LOST them over the past 2 years :roll

There is a CHANCE that FBI in Little Rock are investigating?
But I have no faith in that going anywhere... they never did get to bottom of Whitewater :roll

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 7:05 pm 
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Q is the Conspiracy Nutjob Cult's "Imaginary Friend in the Trump WH"

Yeah right. :roll


The Moving Finger writes;
and, having writ, Moves on:
nor all thy Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
[D5] [D13]
Huber was a diversion

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:01 pm 
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Q: Trust Huber?..... Nah he is just an empty chair!! :lol


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PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 2:24 am 
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I think there is a general opinion that the Obama administration "corrupted" the DoJ and FBI.. and other government agencies.. IRS, State Dept, NSA, CIA etc.

Clearly these agencies were corrupt... weaponized to go after Trump, exonerate Crooked Hillary.... but I think the lack of action to investigate and hold people accountable is because it was NOT just a "one off" plot hatched leading up to 2016 election.. it is something these people have done before. In a sense it is the way they do things "normally".... hence they did not hesitate or consider they might be held accountable because they never were in the past.

But wait... it gets worse... I think that things are pretty much the same even now.

The evidence is real, the Indictments are fake...

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